『女性の健康と安全、権利を支援する米国の決定を歓迎』(UNAIDSプレス声明) エイズと社会ウェブ版544

 米国のトランプ前大統領による拡大版グローバル・ギャグルールは、「PLGHA」と呼ばれていたようです。恥ずかしながら知りませんでした。Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy(グローバルヘルス分野におけるプロライフ政策)の略ですね。訳すのに少々、戸惑いました。プロテクティング・ライフ、つまり命を守ることは、グローバルヘルス分野の重要な使命なようにも思うけど、なんで撤廃なの・・・。



あれ? グローバル・ギャグルールの撤廃は1月28日にバイデン大統領が署名した覚書の中で発表されており、その日のうちに国連人口基金UNFPA)、翌29日には国際エイズ学会(IAS)が歓迎の声明を明らかにしています。それに比べると、UNAIDSの発表はかなり遅れた感がありますが、PLGHAの問題点を分かりやすく説明している部分もあるので仮訳を作成しました。






女性の健康と安全、権利を支援する米国の決定を歓迎 国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)プレス声明


ジュネーブ、2021年2月3日 グローバルヘルス分野におけるプロライフ政策(PLGHA、以前はメキシコシティ・ポリシーとして知られていた)の撤廃を決定したというジョー・バイデン米大統領の発表をUNAIDSは心から歓迎します。この政策は、外国の非政府組織に対し、米国政府からの資金援助を受ける条件として、いかなる資金源からの資金(米国以外の資金を含む)も中絶の実行や積極的な促進のために使用しないことを証明するよう求めていました。








UNAIDS welcomes the United States of America’s decision to support women’s health, safety and rights


GENEVA, 3 February 2021—UNAIDS warmly welcomes the announcement by the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, that he has rescinded the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy (PLGHA, previously known as the Mexico City Policy). The policy required foreign nongovernmental organizations to certify that they would not perform or actively promote abortion using funds from any source (including non-United States funds) as a condition of receiving United States Government funding.

“Rescinding the PLGHA is a strong demonstration of the new United States Administration’s commitment to supporting women to claim their rights and to access sexual and reproductive health and rights information and services,” said Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director. “We look forward to working closely with the new United States Administration to ensure that all women and girls can exercise their human rights and get the sexual and reproductive health information and services they want and need.”

The former United States Administration took previous restrictions established by the Mexico City Policy to a new level by applying the policy to global health assistance provided by all executive departments and agencies. This severely limited access to critical sexual and reproductive health-care services and stifled local advocacy efforts, in turn undermining human rights in general and sexual and reproductive health and rights in particular worldwide.

UNAIDS welcomes the White House’s call to waive conditions related to the PLGHA in any current grants with immediate effect, to notify current grantees, as soon as possible, that these conditions have been waived and to cease imposing these conditions in any future assistance awards.

“Women and girls having full access to their sexual and reproductive health and rights is closely connected to their overall safety, health and well-being. We hope that this will inform the passage of the Global Health, Empowerment and Rights Act—legislation designed to permanently repeal the PLGHA,” added Ms Byanyima.

UNAIDS also warmly welcomes the announcement by the President that the United States will restore funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), a key UNAIDS cosponsoring organization working around the world to provide reproductive health care for women and young people. UNAIDS appreciates the commitment by the United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, to appropriate US$ 32.5 million in support for UNFPA this year.