反同性愛法無効化認めず ウガンダ憲法裁判所 エイズと社会ウェブ版682



「反同性愛法」無効化の訴え棄却 ウガンダ憲法裁(AFP



 訴えに対し、憲法裁のリチャード・ブテーラ(Richard Buteera)裁判長は「2023年反同性愛法を全面的に無効化したり、執行の無期限差し止めを認めたりすることを拒否する」と述べたということです。報道を信用する限り、訴えは全面的に退けられている印象です。





 もちろん「LGBTQ+ コミュニティなど、HIV感染の高いリスクに直面する人たちを犯罪者扱いすることは、命を救う医療やHIVサービスの利用を妨げ、公衆衛生と国のHIV対策全体を弱体化させることになります」と決定自体には批判的な印象ですが、どこが無効になったのかには言及がなく、どう受け止めたらいいのか、混乱します。




UNAIDS プレス声明

2023年反同性愛法の一部を無効にしたウガンダ憲法裁判所の判決に注目 UNAIDSプレス声明


ジュネーブ/ヨハネスブルグ 2024年4月3 ウガンダ憲法裁判所は本日、2023年反同性愛法の条項の一部を無効にした。

ウガンダ憲法裁判所は本日、2023年反同性愛法の特定条項を無効にする決定を行いました。LGBTQ+ コミュニティなど、HIV感染の高いリスクに直面する人たちを犯罪者扱いすることは、命を救う医療やHIVサービスの利用を妨げ、公衆衛生と国のHIV対策全体を弱体化させることになります。このことはエビデンスが示しています」とUNAIDSのアン・ギトゥク=ションウェ東部・南部アフリカ地域局長はいう。「2030年までにエイズパンデミック終結に導くという目標の達成には、誰もが不安や恐れを感じることなく平等に医療サービスを利用できるようにすることが大切です」




UNAIDS notes the judgment of the Constitutional Court of Uganda which has struck down certain parts of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023


GENEVA/JOHANNESBURG, 3 April 2024—The Constitutional Court of Uganda has today struck down certain sections of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023.

“The Constitutional Court of Uganda made a judgment today to strike down certain sections of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023. Evidence shows that criminalizing populations most at risk of HIV, such as the LGBTQ+ communities, obstructs access to life-saving health and HIV services, which undermines public health and the overall HIV response in the country,” said Anne Githuku-Shongwe, UNAIDS Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa. “To achieve the goal of ending the AIDS pandemic by 2030, it is vital to ensure that everyone has equal access to health services without fear."




差別的な反同性愛法を支持する決定に落胆 テュルク人権高等弁務官


ジュネーブ(2024年4月3日) フォルカー・テュルク国連人権高等弁務官は本日、差別的な反同性愛法を支持するウガンダ憲法裁判所の決定に遺憾の意を表明した。 弁務官ウガンダ当局に対し、他の差別的な法律と合わせ、同法を全面的に廃止するよう求めた。








Türk dismayed at ruling upholding discriminatory anti-gay law

03 April 2024


GENEVA (3 April 2024) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk today expressed his dismay at the decision by Uganda’s Constitutional Court to uphold the discriminatory Anti-Homosexuality Act. He urged the authorities to repeal it in its entirety, together with other discriminatory legislation.

“Close to 600 people are reported to have been subjected to human rights violations and abuses based on their actual or imputed sexual orientation or gender identity since the Anti-Homosexuality Act was enacted in May last year,” said Türk. “It must be repealed in its entirety or unfortunately this number will only rise.”

He continued: “The Ugandan authorities must uphold the rights and dignity of all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Criminalization of and application of the death penalty to consensual same-sex relations are contrary to Uganda’s international human rights treaty obligations.”

Türk called on the Ugandan authorities to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “Uganda’s own constitution and international human rights treaty obligations demand nothing less than equal treatment and non-discrimination for all,” the UN Human Rights Chief stressed.

“It is crucial that the authorities also repeal Section 145 of the Penal Code Act, which also imposes criminal penalties for consensual same-sex sexual relations. They should also amend the Equal Opportunities Act to enshrine sexual orientation and gender identity and expression as prohibited grounds for discrimination.”

The High Commissioner also called on the authorities to ensure a conducive environment for all human rights defenders - including LGBTQ rights advocates - to carry out their legitimate human rights work, including by enabling them to obtain registration and to exercise without discrimination their rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly.