『COVID-19を最後のパンデミックに』(WHO独立委員会報告) エイズと社会ウェブ版567












http://News - The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response




 COVID-19対策では、ワクチン分野でCOVAX Gavi事前買取制度(AMC)を活用して低・中所得国向けに10億回分の供給を今年9月までに約束すること、G7はACTアクセラレーター(COVID-19の検査や診断、治療、ワクチンなどの開発、生産、公平な提供と保健システムの強化に向けた国際的枠組み)で必要とされる190億ドルの60%を2021年中に提供することなどが含まれています。国際公共財の確保という観点から医療分野の支援を位置づけることが考え方の基本といえるでしょう。




パンデミックの予防、対応システムを緊急に改革するよう要請 WHO独立専門家委員会












  • ワクチン供給網が適切に確保されている高所得国は自国の供給拡大と合わせ、92の低・中所得国に対しても、2021年9月までにCOVAX Gavi事前買取制度(AMC)を活用して少なくとも10億回分のワクチン供給を約束しなければならない。
  • 主要なワクチン製造国および製造業者は、WHOと世界貿易機関WTO)の後援のもとで、自主的特許許諾と技術移転に同意すべきである。3カ月以内にこうした行動をとらなければ、知的所有権の貿易関連側面に関する協定(TRIPS協定)に基づく知的財産権の放棄を直ちに発効すべきである。
  • G7は2021年中に、ACTアクセラレーター(COVID-19の検査や診断、ワクチンの保健システムの強化に向けた国際的枠組み)で必要とされる190億ドルの60%を提供することを直ちに約束し、こうした支援を国際公共財に対する分担の原則として継続させなければならない。






  • グローバルヘルス脅威対策協議会の設立。この協議会により、パンデミックへの備えと対応について政治の関与を維持し、関係者が説明責任を果たせるよう認識を高め、調査を促す。また、各国は今後6カ月以内にパンデミック対策枠組み条約を採択する必要がある。
  • 世界規模で、透明性の高い監視システムを確立する。このシステムに与えられた権限により、WHOは承認を求めることなく、即座にパンデミックの可能性のあるアウトブレイク情報を公開し、最短の通知で専門家を派遣して調査を行えるようになる。
  • 国レベルで今すぐパンデミック対策への投資を行う。次の危機が発生してからでは手遅れになる。すべての政府は準備計画を見直し、次の保健危機に備えて必要な資金と人員の配置を行う必要がある。
  • ACTアクセラレーターを真のグローバルプラットフォームに変える。ACTアクセラレーターは、ワクチンや診断薬、治療薬、医療用品などを国際公共財として、世界中に迅速かつ公平に提供できるようにすることを目的としている。市場モデルからグローバルな公共財の提供を目的としたモデルへの移行が必要になる。
  • WHOの権限と資金調達能力の強化をはかる。使途指定の資金供与を控え、加盟国の拠出金を引き上げるなど、新たな資金調達モデルを開発することも含む。
  • 国際パンデミック資金調達ファシリティの創設。継続的な準備資金の確保に向け、年間約50億-100億ドルの長期資金(10-15年)を動員できる。また、パンデミックの宣言時には、将来のコミットメントを前倒しすることにより、直ちに500-1000億ドルの支出が可能になる。パンデミックへの準備、対応能力の開発を支援する機関に対しては、グローバルヘルス脅威対策協議会が資金配分を決定し、監視にあたる。
  • 各国元首および政府の長は、グローバルサミットに参加し、政治宣言を採択する。国連総会における宣言を通し改革への関与を続ける。









委員会は報告書および勧告とともに、何が起こったかを記録した年表など一連のバックグラウンドペーパーも発表しています。数多くの文献を読み、独自の調査を行い、専門家を囲んで話し合い、詳細なインタビューやタウンホール形式の会議により最前線で働く人びと、および女性や若者との対話を行った成果の集大成です。 また、オンラインによる意見も受けています。











  • Learning from The Past
  • The Chronology Including Literature Review
  • From Science to Policy
  • National and Sub-National Responses
  • Impact on Essential Health Services
  • Access to Essential Supplies
  • Access to Vaccines, Diagnostics, And Therapeutics
  • Understanding Communication
  • Community Involvement
  • International Treaties and Conventions
  • WHO – An Institutional Review
  • The Economic Impact
  • The Social Impact
  • Human Rights




Expert independent panel calls for urgent reform of pandemic prevention and response systems

The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response is today calling on the global community to end the COVID-19 pandemic and adopt a series of bold and essential reforms to prevent the next crisis


GENEVA –12 May 2021  

A panel of leading experts is today calling on the global community to end the COVID-19 pandemic by immediately implementing a series of bold recommendations to redistribute, fund, and increase the availability of and manufacturing capacity for vaccines, and to apply proven public health measures urgently and consistently in every country.

The Panel is also recommending that national governments and the international community immediately adopt a package of reforms to transform the global pandemic preparedness and response system and prevent a future pandemic. 

The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (The Independent Panel) was appointed by the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General in response to a World Health Assembly resolution calling for an independent, impartial, and comprehensive review of experiences gained and lessons to be learned from the current pandemic. The review was also asked to provide recommendations to improve capacity for global pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. The Panel released its findings and recommendations today in its main report: COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic.

The Panel, co-chaired by the Rt Hon. Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia, has spent the past eight months rigorously reviewing the evidence on how a disease outbreak became a pandemic, and on global and national responses.

The report demonstrates that the current system—at both national and international levels— was not adequate to protect people from COVID-19. The time it took from the reporting of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown origin in mid-late December 2019 to a Public Health Emergency of International Concern being declared was too long. February 2020 was also a lost month when many more countries could have taken steps to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and forestall the global health, social, and economic catastrophe that continues its grip. The Panel finds that the system as it stands now is clearly unfit to prevent another novel and highly infectious pathogen, which could emerge at any time, from developing into a pandemic.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to devastate communities across the world, the Independent Panel is making a series of immediate recommendations to halt its spread. It recommends that:


  • High income countries with a vaccine pipeline for adequate coverage should, alongside their scale up, commit to provide to the 92 low and middle-income countries in the COVAX Gavi Advance Market Commitment with at least one billion vaccine doses by September 2021.
  • Major vaccine-producing countries and manufacturers should convene, under the joint auspices of the WHO and the World Trade Organization (WTO) to agree to voluntary licensing and technology transfer. If actions on this don’t occur within three months, a waiver of intellectual property rights under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights should come into force immediately.
  • The G7 should immediately commit to provide 60% of the US$19 billion required for the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) in 2021 for vaccines, diagnostics, therapeutics, and strengthening of health systems, and a burden-sharing formula should be adopted to fund such global public goods on an ongoing basis.


Every country should apply proven public health measures at the scale required to curb the pandemic. Leadership from heads of state and government to achieve this is crucial.


The world must also urgently prepare to prevent a future outbreak from becoming a pandemic. To this end, the Independent Panel calls for the engagement of heads of state and government to lead on efforts to transform the existing system. The Panel calls for a series of bold and forward-looking reforms, including: 

  • Establishing a Global Health Threats Council that will maintain political commitment to pandemic preparedness and response and hold actors accountable, including through peer recognition and scrutiny. Countries should also adopt a Pandemic Framework Convention within the next six months.
  • Establish a new global system for surveillance based on full transparency. This system would provide the WHO with the authority to publish information about outbreaks with pandemic potential on an immediate basis without needing to seek approval and to dispatch experts to investigate at the shortest possible notice.
  • Invest in national preparedness now as it will be too late when the next crisis hits. All governments should review their preparedness plans and allocate the necessary funds and people required to be prepared for another health crisis.
  • Transform the current ACT-A into a truly global platform aimed at delivering global public goods including vaccines, diagnostics, therapeutics, and supplies that can be distributed swiftly and equitably worldwide—shifting from a market model to one aimed at delivering global public goods.
  • Focus and strengthen the authority and financing of the WHO, including by developing a new funding model to end earmarked funds and to increase Member State fees.
  • Create an International Pandemic Financing Facility, which would have the capacity to mobilize long term (10-15 year) contributions of approximately US$5-10B per year to finance ongoing readiness. It would also be ready to disburse from US$50-100B at short notice by front-loading future commitments in the event of a pandemic declaration. The Global Health Threats Council would allocate and monitor the funding to institutions which have the capacity to support the development of preparedness and response capacities.
  • Heads of state and government should at a global summit adopt a political declaration under the auspices of the UN General Assembly to commit to these transformative reforms.


The Panel’s report also shared recommendations for individual countries, including that heads of state and government should appoint national pandemic coordinators who are accountable to them, and who have a mandate to drive whole-of-government coordination for pandemic preparedness and response.

In the presentation of the report and its findings, Panel Co-Chair and former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf stressed the need for bold reform:

“Our message is simple and clear: the current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic. And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time.”

“The shelves of storage rooms in the UN and national capitals are full of reports and reviews of previous health crises. Had their warnings been heeded, we would have avoided the catastrophe we are in today. This time must be different.”


Panel Co-Chair Rt Hon. Helen Clark, said:

“Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change.”

“The tools are available to put an end to the severe illnesses, deaths, and socio-economic damage caused by COVID-19. Leaders have no choice but to act and stop this happening again.” 

The Panel is releasing the report and recommendations together, with a range of background papers which include the authoritative chronology of what happened. This is the culmination of multiple literature reviews, original research, discussions with experts in roundtables and in-depth interviews, and dialogue with those working on the front-line, with women and youth in town hall-style meetings. It also received online contributions to its work.


The Panel has consistently raised its deep concern that the burden of the current pandemic is being unevenly shared. It has had devastating social and financial consequences for those already disadvantaged. Up to 125 million more people are estimated to have been pushed into extreme poverty, while 72 million more primary school-age children are now at risk of being unable to read or understand a simple text because of school closures. Women have borne a disproportionate burden. Gender-based violence is at record levels, and child marriages have increased. In addition, the world lost US$7 trillion in GDP in 2020 – more than the 2019 GDP of the entire African continent (US$6.7 trillion). The pandemic has caused the deepest shock to the global economy since World War II.


Background for Editors

The Independent Panel was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General in response to the World Health Assembly resolution 73.1 issued in May 2020. The Panel’s Co-Chairs are the Rt Hon. Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia.

The Independent Panel has a total of 13 members, selected by the Co-Chairs. The Panelists have a substantial mix of skills and expertise in infectious disease, global and national health policy and financing, outbreaks and emergencies, economics, youth advocacy, and in the wellbeing of women and girls. They also share knowledge of the international system, including of WHO, and experience from similar international processes.

The mission of the Independent Panel is to provide an evidence-based path for the future, grounded in lessons of the present and the past to ensure countries and global institutions, including specifically WHO, effectively address health threats. They have spent the last eight months independently, impartially, and rigorously reviewing evidence of the spread, actions, and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Information on the panel members can be found here.


They have conducted numerous literature reviews, original research and have learned from dozens of experts in roundtable discussions and in-depth interviews. The Panel has also heard directly from people working on the front-line of the pandemic in town-hall style meetings and has invited contributions from anyone wishing to make one.

Accompanying the main report and recommendations will be a series of background papers:


  • Learning from The Past
  • The Chronology Including Literature Review
  • From Science to Policy
  • National and Sub-National Responses
  • Impact on Essential Health Services
  • Access to Essential Supplies
  • Access to Vaccines, Diagnostics, And Therapeutics
  • Understanding Communication
  • Community Involvement
  • International Treaties and Conventions
  • WHO – An Institutional Review
  • The Economic Impact
  • The Social Impact
  • Human Rights

These will be made available publicly through the Independent Panel website.