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 疎外され、弱い立場の人たちに対する非常事態時の権力の誤用、乱用を強く非難  UNAIDSプレス声明 


ジュネーブ、2020年4月9日— 社会から疎外され、弱い立場に置かれている人たちに対し社会施設の利用を制限し、警察権限を拡大するための言い訳としてCOVID-19の流行が使われている。UNAIDSはこうした報告に憂慮している。とりわけHIV陽性者やHIVに脆弱な人びとの権利と健康を脅かし、犯罪集団として扱うような新法の制定報告には強い懸念を抱いている。





COVID-19の感染を犯罪として扱い、違反者は逮捕、拘留するといったかたちで、警報を使って感染を予防しようとする国があるとの報告に対し、UNAIDSは大きな懸念を抱いている。ウイルス感染を犯罪とみなすことが重大な人権侵害につながり、科学的な事実に基づくものではなく、対策を損なう結果にもなるということを、私たちはHIVの流行で経験してきた。ある人から別の人への感染を特定することも、それが意図的な感染であることも証明はほとんど不可能であり、犯罪行為を法的に認める要件は満たせない。社会的に弱い立場に置かれ、スティグマの対象となりやすいコミュニティが犯罪化の対象にされることも多い。 ウガンダではLGBTIコミュニティにサービスを提供する施設の利用者23人が逮捕され、19人が感染症を広める可能性のある過失行為で起訴されている。その19人は裁判を受けることも、弁護士を依頼することも、治療を受けることもなく、刑務所に入れられている。




 UNAIDSは各国に対し、非常事態時の法律と権限はすべて期間を限定し、更新には議会の承認と適切な参加のプロセスが必要なことを確認するよう求めている。警察による権限の行使には厳格な制限を設け、その行動と救済策に関する監視は説明責任がとれる独立の機関が行う必要がある。HIV感染、性と生殖に関する健康、言論の自由性自認に関する差別を受けない権利の制限については、COVID-19対策では必ずしも正当な目的とはみなせないこともある。 UNAIDSは、COVID-19のパンデミッ対策で正当な目的にならない法律は無効にするよう各国に求めている。




UNAIDS condemns misuse and abuse of emergency powers to target marginalized and vulnerable populations


GENEVA, 9 April 2020—UNAIDS is deeply concerned by reports that the COVID-19 epidemic is being used as an excuse to target marginalized and vulnerable populations, restrict civil society space and increase police powers. In particular, UNAIDS is extremely concerned by reports of new laws that restrict rights and freedoms and target criminalized groups in a manner that will harm the rights and health of people living with or vulnerable to HIV.


“In times of crisis, emergency powers and agility are crucial; however, they cannot come at the cost of the rights of the most vulnerable,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “Checks and balances that are the cornerstone of the rule of law must be exercised in order to prevent misuse of such powers. If not, we may see a reversal of much of the progress made in human rights, the right to health and the AIDS response.”

Experience from past and present epidemics shows clearly that an effective response to health crises such as COVID-19 must be deeply rooted in trust, human solidarity and unwavering respect for human rights. However, reports have recently emerged that some countries are using emergency powers or public health justifications to restrict rights related to personal autonomy, gender identity, freedom of speech and sexual and reproductive health and rights. There have also been concerning reports of increases in criminal penalties in relation to HIV transmission, exposure and non-disclosure and the use of police powers to target, through arrests and brutality, vulnerable and criminalized groups, such as sex workers, people who use drugs, people living with HIV and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.


In Hungary, a new bill has been introduced to remove the right of people to change their gender and name on official documents in order to ensure conformity with their gender identity, in clear breach of international human rights to legal recognition of gender identity.

In Poland, a fast-tracked amendment to the criminal law that increases the penalties for HIV exposure, non-disclosure and transmission to at least six months in prison and up to eight years in prison has been passed—a clear contravention of international human rights obligations to remove HIV-specific criminal laws.


UNAIDS is concerned by reports of countries resorting to the use of criminal law, such as the criminalization of the transmission of COVID-19, and arresting and detaining people for breaching restrictions. Our experience in the HIV epidemic is that criminalization of virus transmission leads to significant human rights violations, undermines the response and is not based on science. The ability to prove actual transmission from one person to another, as well as necessary intent, is almost impossible and fails to meet rule of law requirements for criminalization. Criminalization is often implemented against vulnerable and stigmatized communities. In Uganda, 23 people connected with a shelter for providing services for the LGBTI community have been arrested—19 have been charged with a negligent act likely to spread infection or disease. Those 19 are being held in prison without access to a court, legal representation or medication.


UNAIDS is also concerned by reports from a number of countries of police brutality in enforcing measures, using physical violence and harassment and targeting marginalized groups, including sex workers, people who use drugs and people who are homeless. The use of criminal law and violence to enforce movement restrictions is disproportionate and not evidence-informed. Such tactics have been known to be implemented in a discriminatory manner and have a disproportionate effect on the most vulnerable: people who for whatever reason cannot stay at home, do not have a home or need to work for reasons of survival.


In Kenya, civil society organizations, prompted by concerns about actions being not consistent with a human-rights based epidemic response, released an advisory opinion calling for a human rights-based approach to be adopted in the COVID-19 response and have released a letter calling for a focus on community engagement and what works for prevention and treatment rather than disproportionate and coercive approaches.


While some rights may be limited during an emergency in order to protect public health and safety, such restrictions must be for a legitimate aim—in this case, to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. They must be proportionate to that aim, necessary, non-arbitrary, evidence-informed and lawful. Each order/law or action by law enforcement must also be reviewable by a court of law. Law enforcement powers must likewise be narrowly defined, proportionate and necessary.


UNAIDS urges all countries to ensure that any emergency laws and powers are limited to a reasonable period of time and renewable only through appropriate parliamentary and participatory processes. Strict limits on the use of police powers must be provided, along with independent oversight of police action and remedies through an accountability mechanism. Restrictions on rights relating to non-discrimination on the basis of HIV status, sexual and reproductive health, freedom of speech and gender identity detailed above do not assist with the COVID-19 response and are therefore not for a legitimate purpose. UNAIDS calls on countries to repeal any laws put in place that cannot be said to be for the legitimate aim of responding to or controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.