「COVID-19アウトブレークで、LGBTIの人びとへの非難と迫害が拡大」 UNAIDSとMPactが強い懸念  







COVID-19のアウトブレークで、LGBTIの人びとが非難と迫害を受けているとの報告  UNAIDSとMPactが強い懸念 プレスリリース




ジュネーブ 2020年4月27 新型コロナウイルス感染症COVID-19パンデミックの中で、レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダーインターセックス(LGBTI)の人たちがとりわけ強く、非難、迫害、監禁、スティグマの対象になっていることを、UNAIDSとゲイ男性の健康と権利のためのMPact世界行動は強く懸念している。また、UNAIDSとMPactは、こうした差別的行動が、安全で質の高い保健サービスなどLGBTIの人たちが権利確保のために闘っている課題に対する大きな妨げとなっていることを極めて強く憂慮している。











  • COVID-19拡大の責任をLGBTIの人たちに押し付け、中傷し、非難するような誤った情報に対しては告発を行う
  • LGBTI主導の組織や避難所、空間への手入れを控え、性的指向性自認・性表現に基づいて人びとを逮捕することをやめる
  • 公衆衛生をまもる手段は、バランスがとれ、エビデンスを踏まえ、人権を尊重したものであることを確認する
  • LGBTIの人たちが個人的に利用しているコミュニケーション技術を国のサーベイランスの手段として使わない
  • LGBTIの人たちのニーズを踏まえ、HIV/性の健康プログラムへの資金はこれまで通り確保したうえで、さらにCOVID-19対策への投資を行う
  • ハームリダクション、コンドームと潤滑剤、曝露前予防服薬、抗レトロウイルス治療、ホルモン補充療法、精神保健サービスなど、LGBTIの人たちの生命を救うために必要な医療的手段への支援を維持する
  • 治療薬の複数月処方やコミュニティでの配布、オンラインでの相談と支援など、柔軟なサービス提供の選択肢を用意する
  • 重要なサービスを柔軟かつ安全に提供するためにコミュニティ主導の組織を不可欠なサービス提供者として認める
  • 所得支援を含む国の社会保護制度の枠組みの中にLGBTIの人たちを含める
  • ホームレスや立ち退きを余儀なくされているLGBTIの人たちが適切かつ安全な住宅に入れるよう緊急のアクセスを増やす
  • COVID-19関連の公衆衛生対策とそのメッセージの策定にLGBTIの人たちを加える
  • バーチャル会議の安全を確保し、ハッキングを防止する






UNAIDS and MPact are extremely concerned about reports that LGBTI people are being blamed and abused during the COVID-19 outbreak

UNAIDS and MPact call on governments and partners to protect, support and respect the human rights of LGBTI people during the response to COVID-19


GENEVA, 27 April 2020—UNAIDS and MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health and Rights are extremely concerned that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are being singled out, blamed, abused, incarcerated and stigmatized as vectors of disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. UNAIDS and MPact are also deeply troubled that this discriminatory action is compounding the challenges that LGBTI people already face in accessing their rights, including safe and quality health services.

HIV has taught us that violence, bullying and discrimination only serve to further marginalize the people most in need,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “All people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, are entitled to the right to health, safety and security, without exception. Respect and dignity are needed now more than ever before.”

In Belize, reports have detailed abuse by the police of a gay man who was arrested, humiliated and beaten for breaking a curfew imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus. The 25-year-old was living with HIV and is believed to have died as a result of complications sustained from injuries inflicted by the police.

“We are receiving reports that government and religious leaders in some countries are making false claims and releasing misinformation about COVID-19 that has incited violence and discrimination against LGBTI people,” said George Ayala, Executive Director of MPact. “Organizations and homes are being raided, LGBTI people are being beaten, and there has been an increase in arrests and threatened deportation of LGBTI asylum seekers.”

In Uganda, 20 LGBTI people were recently arrested in a raid on a shelter, which police authorities claimed was due to their disobeying social distancing procedures. In the Philippines, three LGBTI people were among a group who were publicly humiliated as punishment for breaking the curfew. After segments of the incident went viral online, the police captain was forced to apologize for singling out the LGBTI group members and asking them to dance and kiss each other.

“There is also growing concern over privacy and confidentiality in the way governments are using Internet-based technologies and smartphones to monitor people’s movements during lockdowns or curfews,” Mr Ayala added. “Gay men and gender non-conforming people are often the first targets and among the most impacted by increased policing and surveillance efforts.”

For some LGBTI people, self-isolation and physical distancing can be particularly challenging, even dangerous. Many LGBTI people face violence and/or while sheltering in homes with unaccepting family members. LGBTI people may also suffer from intimate partner violence while staying at home, without the ability to report cases of abuse to the police owing to fear of repercussions. Isolation can also exacerbate pre-existing mental health challenges, common among LGBTI people, including loneliness, depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation.

The COVID-19 pandemic leaves many gay men and transgender women without adequate tools for taking control of their sexual health and rights. Gay men account for nearly 20% of all new HIV infections and are 22 times more likely to become infected with HIV than other men. Transgender women shoulder a risk of acquiring HIV that is 12 times higher than the general population.

Stay at home orders, especially when implemented without flexibilities, compound the difficulties these groups already experience in accessing antiretroviral therapy and HIV prevention and gender-affirming services, including hormone therapies. This is especially true for LGBTI people who are poor, unemployed, homeless or marginally housed.


UNAIDS and MPact are urging countries to:


・Denounce misinformation that scapegoats, slanders or otherwise blames LGBTI people for the spread of COVID-19.

・Stop raids on LGBTI-led organizations, shelters and spaces and desist from arresting people based on their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

・Ensure that all measures to protect public health are proportionate, evidence-informed and respect human rights.

・Prevent the use of state surveillance on LGBTI people’s personal communication technologies.

・Invest in the COVID-19 response, while safeguarding funds and HIV/sexual health programmes that are inclusive and sensitive to the needs of LGBTI people.

・Safeguard continued access to life-saving medical support, including harm reduction, condoms and lubricant, preexposure prophylaxis, antiretroviral therapy, hormone replacement therapies and mental health services for LGBTI people.

・Provide flexible service delivery options, from multimonth dispensing to community delivery and virtual consultation and support options.

・Consider designating community-led service organizations as essential service providers so that they can provide flexible, safe delivery of key services.

・Include LGBTI people in national social protection schemes, including income support.

・Increase access to appropriate emergency and safe housing for homeless and recently evicted LGBTI people.

・Engage LGBTI people in public health planning and messaging around COVID-19.

・Implement safety monitoring and hacking mitigation during virtual meetings.


Now more than ever, we must stand together to protect and promote the health and human rights of LGBTI people worldwide.