これぞ音に聞くぜいたく 鎌倉ヒグラシ小紀行






















 2016年のHIV対策政府拠出資金は7%減少。2010年以降最低レベルに カイザー・UNAIDS調査











Kaiser/UNAIDS study finds donor government funding for HIV declined by 7% in 2016, falling to lowest level since 2010

Donor government funding to support HIV efforts in low- and middle-income countries decreased by US$511 million from US$7.5 billion in 2015 to US$7 billion in 2016, finds a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). This marks the second successive year of declines, and is the lowest level since 2010.

The decrease stems from actual cuts in funding (accounting for an approximate net 50% of the decline), exchange rate fluctuations (20%), and the timing of U.S. contributions to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (30%), due to U.S. law that limits its funding to one-third of total contributions to the Global Fund.

In 2016, bilateral funding decreased by slightly more than US$100 million, falling for nine of 14 donors profiled (seven of which declined in currency of origin). Multilateral contributions fell by US$400 million. As noted above, some of this was due to U.S. legislative limitations on Global Fund contributions. However, some was due to donor decisions to front-load their funding early in the 2014-2016 Global Fund pledge period.

AIDS investments provide exceptional value for money. We have wisely invested in providing life-saving HIV treatment and prevention services for millions of people and are seeing the results of those investments today,” said Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director. “Declining international resources will hamper our ability to reach the 17 million people who still need treatment.”

 Donor government funding for HIV continues to be on the decline,” said Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President Jen Kates, Director of Global Health and HIV Policy. “Recent proposed cuts from the U.S., amidst other competing demands on donor budgets, will likely contribute to an ongoing climate of uncertainty around funding for HIV going forward.”

The U.S. continued to be the largest donor to HIV efforts, providing US$4.9 billion in 2016, followed by the U.K., France, the Netherlands, and Germany. When standardized by size of its economy, however, the U.S. ranked third.

The new report, produced as a partnership between the Kaiser Family Foundation and UNAIDS, provides the latest data available on donor government funding based on data provided by governments. It includes their bilateral assistance to low- and middle-income countries and contributions to the Global Fund as well as UNITAID.  “Donor government funding” refers to disbursements, or payments, made by donors. Donor contributions to multilateral organizations are counted as part of their disbursements.



『パリ声明:HIV科学研究の重要性』 エイズと社会ウェブ版276

 7月23日(日)から26日(水)まで、パリで開かれる第9回国際エイズ学会HIV基礎研究・治療・予防会議(IAS2017)の公式サイトにパリ声明『The Paris Statement: HIV Science Matters』が掲載されました。 




1 基礎医学

2 ワクチン開発

3 治療薬の処方や服薬支援

4 予防への投資と構造的障壁の克服

5 経済、投資効果





 IAS2017 パリ声明







1      最も基礎的なレベルにおけるHIVの理解、および宿主との相互作用の理解には、基礎医学への継続的な投資が必要です。HIV持続感染の分子細胞学的メカニズムの分析、ウイルスの制御などが最近の研究の優先課題です。HIVの治癒に向けた研究の充実には、動物モデルと有望な新技術への資金確保が必要です。がんや慢性疾患、感染症分野の共同研究も進めなければなりません。

2      地球規模の流行を制御するにはワクチンが必要です。予防、治療両方の目的でワクチン開発に向けた新たなアプローチをさぐる必要があります。予防ワクチンと免疫療法の開発に備え、細胞性免疫と液性免疫のそれぞれの特徴を調べることも、そうした研究に含まれます。

3      治療薬の処方や服薬支援の研究を必要とする何百万もの人たちのためにHIV治療薬の組み合わせを改善し、その成果を確認する。長期の服薬継続を助け、薬剤耐性の出現を減らせるような抗レトロウイルス薬(ARV)の組み合わせを開発することが優先課題です。ナノ、注射式その他の長期持続型処方、細胞拡散がよく副作用が少ない組み合わせ、小児用の組み合わせなどの開発も優先すべきです。HIV結核、クリプトコッカス症の研究の相互協力も進めていく必要があります。実践適応科学は「検査-治療‐保持」における保持アプローチの理解を広げるために必要です。感染率の高い層が繰り返し検査を受けられるようにする新たな方式、定期的なウイルス量のモニタリング、服薬継続改善戦略、分化型サービス提供モデルの採用なども含まれます。

4      予防の選択肢は、予防を最も必要とする人に使いやすく有用でなければなりません。予防への投資と構造的障壁の克服に焦点を当て、多様な予防ツールを用意してアクセス改善をはかるべきです。その中にはHIVに最も感染しやすい人のための曝露前予防服薬(PrEP)も含まれます。コンビネーション予防の開発と規模拡大を継続して支援する必要があります。とりわけキーポピュレーション(男性とセックスをする男性、注射薬物使用者、セックスワーカートランスジェンダーの人たち)、移住者、ジェンダーに配慮した若い世代へのアプローチなどへの支援は重要です。人文、社会科学研究はスティグマと差別への対応を優先課題とすべきであり、個別の条件にあわせて同性愛差別や性差別、外国人差別など流行の拡大要因の解消に取り組むアプローチを採用する必要があります。

5      臨床検査室や臨床試験の場を超えて、研究の経済、投資効果を高めるには、一貫した対応と革新的な資金確保モデルの創設が不可欠です。ジェネリック薬や生物学的同等薬剤の利用拡大も視野に入れつつ、低・中所得国でも使えるHIV検査薬、治療薬の価格モデルの検討や重感染症治療などの研究を継続しなければなりません。政治学、経済学では現在の資金ギャップへの対応やユニバーサルヘルスカバレッジの普及に向けた研究に取り組む必要があります。








The Paris Statement: HIV Science Matters

Scientific knowledge is the backbone of the HIV response. Over the past 30 years, scientific research has shaped and influenced our understanding and management of HIV and has pointed continually to better ways to reduce or prevent HIV-related illnesses, improve lives for people living with HIV and prevent new infections. Science drives the HIV response. Yet our extraordinary scientific progress against HIV and our ability to address all of the scientific challenges still before us are threatened by a weakening resolve to fund HIV science.

We cannot achieve ambitious global goals, provide life-long treatment to the 37 million people living with HIV and reduce the epidemic without an unfaltering commitment to research. Progress in HIV science has far-reaching synergistic effects across public health, informing and supporting the response to other disease areas. Political commitment to sustained and predictable investment in a robust HIV science agenda must be strengthened in each of these areas to ensure that scientific progress against the epidemic is maximized and that gains are not lost:



1      Understanding HIV and its interactions with its host at the most fundamental level requires continuing investment in basic science. Current research priorities include the analysis of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of HIV persistence and viral control. To enhance research efforts towards an HIV cure, animal models and promising new technologies must be funded. Synergistic approaches with cancer, chronic and infectious diseases research must be promoted.

2      Controlling the global epidemic requires a vaccine and an ongoing and consistent commitment to investigating new approaches to vaccine development for both prophylactic and therapeutic use. Research efforts must include the characterization of different cellular and humoral immune responses to be harnessed in the development of preventive vaccine and immunotherapeutic strategies.

3      Improving HIV treatment options and outcomes for the millions of people who need it requires research on drug formulations and adherence support. These efforts should prioritize the development of antiretroviral (ARV) formulations that support long-term adherence and reduce the risk of viral resistance. Development efforts must include nano, injectable and other long-acting formulations, as well as optimal formulations with good tissue diffusion and few side effects and adapted to paediatric populations. Cooperation between HIV, TB and cryptococcosis research programmes must be promoted. Implementation science must continue to inform retention approaches across “Test-Treat-Retain”, including new modalities for repeat testing in high-incidence settings, routine viral load monitoring, improved client adherence strategies and the adoption of differentiated service delivery models.

4      Prevention options must be accessible to and useful for the people who need them most. Investment in prevention and overcoming structural barriers should focus on improving access to diversified prevention tools, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), for people most vulnerable to HIV infection. Prevention research must continue to support the development and scale up of combination prevention, notably for key populations (men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sex workers, transgender people), migrants and the younger generation with a gender-sensitive approach. Research priorities in the humanities and social sciences must address stigma and discrimination and identify tailored approaches to reduce the drivers of the epidemic, including homophobia, sexism and xenophobia.

5      Beyond the laboratory and clinical trial setting, investments that better explore economics and financing are essential to supporting a sustained response and the creation of innovative financing models. Research must continue to inform thinking on pricing models for HIV diagnostics and medicines, as well as treatments for co-infections, that are modified in particular for low- and middle-income countries and take into consideration the expanded role of generics and bio-equivalents. Political and economic sciences must focus on existing financing gaps and work towards models that expand universal health coverage.


The HIV epidemic is far from over. Expanding the evidence base to guide policy and programme decisions is a key component in addressing critical research gaps. Multi-disciplinary approaches and research programmes adapted to a range of social and cultural contexts must be allowed to flourish; participatory and community-based research must be strengthened; and the meaningful involvement of key populations and people living with HIV in shaping research priorities must remain an unwavering principle.

HIV science matters. Ending the epidemic requires the continued contribution of and investment in science.

UNAIDS報告書『エイズ終結を目指す:90-90-90目標への前進』 エイズと社会ウェブ版275




 プレスリリースでは(たぶん報告書でも)、この点を強調して、『 for the first time the scales have tipped』と表現しています。tipというのは、とがったものの先端だとか、山の頂上に達したといった意味でしょうか。



 ただし、「ここまで来たんだ」という成果を強調したい。その気持ちはわかります。したがって、あまり嫌味なことは言わないようにしましょう(と言いつつ、やっぱり言っている? このあたりが老いてなお、不徳の致すところでしょうね)。








治療の普及さらに拡大 1950万人が生命を救う治療を受け、エイズ関連の死者数は2005年当時から半減 UNAIDS報告書   UNAIDSプレスリリース





 ジュネーブ・パリ 2017年7月20日 ― 国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)が新報告書を発表し、治療の普及が初めて頂点を越えたことを明らかにした。世界のHIV陽性者の半数以上(53%)がHIV治療を受け、エイズ関連の死者は2005年当時190万人だったのが2016年には100万人に減少している。この成果が今後も拡大していけば、世界は2020年までに3000万人に治療を提供する目標の実現に向けてさらに前進を続けるだろう。





















 子供のHIV新規感染予防には世界が連帯して取り組み、大きな成果をもたらしている。2016年時点で、HIV陽性の妊婦の約76%が抗レトロウイルス治療を受けている。2010年には47%だった。子供の新規HIV感染は世界全体でみると半減している。2010年には30万人[23万~37万人]だったのが、2016年には16万人[10万~22万人]に減少した。最も大きな打撃を受けていた5か国 ― ボツワナナミビア南アフリカスワジランドウガンダ ― ではすでに、HIV陽性の妊婦および子供を母乳で育てているHIV陽性の母親の95%がHIV感染の診断を受け、生命を救うための抗レトロウイルス治療を受けている。画期的な成果である。











 コミュニティヘルスワーカーであり、Association Espoir pour Demain創設者でもあるクリスティン・カファンドさんは「HIV陽性だからといって私は孤立して生きているわけではありません。何百万もの陽性者がいて、エイズ終結を目指しているのです」とは話す。「私たちはそうしたいと思っているし、協力して続けなければなりません」
















 サハラ以南のアフリカ以外では、2015年の新規HIV感染の80%はキーポピュレーションとその性パートナーで占められていた。サハラ以南のアフリカでも25%はキーポピュレーションだった。報告書はキーポピュレーションに対する統合的なHIVサービスの提供が不可欠であり、ハームリダクションのサービスを含むコンビネーションアプローチ が必要なことも説明している。















表  2016年現在の推計値

 1950万人            抗レトロウイルス治療を受けているHIV陽性者

 3670万人[3080万~4290万人] 世界のHIV陽性者数

 180万人[160万~210万人]   年間の新規HIV感染者数

 100万人[83万~120万人]     年間のエイズ関連の病気による死者数




Press release

The scales have tipped—UNAIDS announces 19.5 million people on life-saving treatment and AIDS-related deaths halved since 2005


The 90–90–90 targets are galvanizing global action and saving lives. Eastern and southern Africa leading the way in reducing new HIV infections by nearly 30% since 2010—Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe have reduced new HIV infection by nearly 40% or more since 2010. Concerted efforts still needed for children, adolescents, men and key populations, and in certain regions.


GENEVA/PARIS, 20 July 2017—UNAIDS has released a new report showing that for the first time the scales have tipped: more than half of all people living with HIV (53%) now have access to HIV treatment and AIDS-related deaths have almost halved since 2005. In 2016, 19.5 million of the 36.7 million people living with HIV had access to treatment, and AIDS-related deaths have fallen from 1.9 million in 2005 to 1 million in 2016. Provided that scale-up continues, this progress puts the world on track to reach the global target of 30 million people on treatment by 2020.

“We met the 2015 target of 15 million people on treatment and we are on track to double that number to 30 million and meet the 2020 target,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “We will continue to scale up to reach everyone in need and honour our commitment of leaving no one behind.”

The region showing the most progress is eastern and southern Africa, which has been most affected by HIV and which accounts for more than half of all people living with HIV. Since 2010, AIDS-related deaths have declined by 42%. New HIV infections have declined by 29%, including a 56% drop in new HIV infections among children over the same period, a remarkable achievement resulting from HIV treatment and prevention efforts that is putting eastern and southern Africa on track towards ending its AIDS epidemic.




90–90–90 progress

The report, Ending AIDS: progress towards the 90–90–90 targets, gives a detailed analysis of progress and challenges towards achieving the 90–90–90 targets. The targets were launched in 2014 to accelerate progress so that, by 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV know their HIV status, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV are accessing sustained antiretroviral therapy and 90% of all people accessing antiretroviral therapy are virally suppressed.

The report shows that in 2016 more than two thirds (70%) of people living with HIV now know their HIV status. Of the people who know their status, 77% were accessing treatment, and of the people accessing treatment, 82% were virally supressed, protecting their health and helping to prevent transmission of the virus.

Eastern and southern Africa, western and central Europe and North America and Latin America are on track to reach the 90–90–90 targets by 2020. In eastern and southern Africa, 76% of people living with HIV know their HIV status, 79% of people who know their HIV-positive status have access to antiretroviral therapy and 83% of people who are on treatment have undetectable levels of HIV—this equates to 50% of all people living with HIV in eastern and southern Africa with viral suppression. The Caribbean and Asia and the Pacific can also reach the 90–90–90 targets if programmes are further accelerated.

Seven countries have already achieved the 90–90–90 targets—Botswana, Cambodia, Denmark, Iceland, Singapore, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland—and many more are close to achieving it.

 “Ending AIDS is possible - it is a shared engagement and aspiration. One that cities can lead while promoting inclusive societies for all,” said Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris.

The most significant impact of 90–90–90 scale-up has been in reducing AIDS-related deaths, which have been reduced by almost half in the past 10 years. As a result, life expectancy has increased significantly in the most affected countries. In eastern and southern Africa, life expectancy increased by nearly 10 years from 2006 to 2016.

“Communities and families are thriving as AIDS is being pushed back,” said Mr Sidibé. “As we bring the epidemic under control, health outcomes are improving and nations are becoming stronger.”



90-90-90: more work to do

Progress against the 90–90–90 targets has, however, been poor in the Middle East and North Africa and in eastern Europe and central Asia, where AIDS-related deaths have risen by 48% and 38%, respectively. There are exceptions within these regions showing that when concerted efforts are made, results happen. For example, Algeria has increased HIV treatment access from 24% in 2010 to 76% in 2016, Morocco from 16% in 2010 to 48% in 2016 and Belarus from 29% in 2010 to 45% in 2016.

Globally, progress has been significant, but there is still more work to do. Around 30% of people living with HIV still do not know their HIV status, 17.1 million people living with HIV do not have access to antiretroviral therapy and more than half of all people living with HIV are not virally suppressed.



Eliminating new HIV infections among children

Global solidarity to stop new HIV infections among children has produced results. Around 76% of pregnant women living with HIV had access to antiretroviral medicines in 2016, up from 47% in 2010. New HIV infections among children globally have halved, from 300 000 [230 000–370 000] in 2010 to 160 000 [100 000–220 000] in 2016. Five-high burden countries—Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Uganda—have already met the milestone of diagnosing and providing lifelong antiretroviral therapy to 95% of pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV.



New HIV infections are declining, but not fast enough

The report also shows that, globally, new HIV infections are declining, but not at the pace needed to meet global targets. Globally, new HIV infections declined by 16% from 2010 to 2016, to 1.8 million [1.6 million–2.1 million]. Declines were estimated in 69 countries, in the majority of which treatment scale-up has been implemented alongside an increase in the availability of combination HIV prevention services and in some countries condom use. However, alarming increases have been seen in new HIV infections in eastern Europe and central Asia.



Major gains in the global response to tuberculosis and HIV led to a 33% decline in tuberculosis deaths among people living with HIV. As of 2015, only 11% of the 10.4 million cases of tuberculosis globally were among people living with HIV. However, nearly 60% of tuberculosis cases among people living with HIV were not diagnosed or treated.


Community health workers needed

Ending AIDS shows that providing services closer to where people live and work will be a key factor in ending the AIDS epidemic. UNAIDS is championing an initiative recently backed by the African Union to recruit and train 2 million community health workers in Africa to further bolster the capacity of health systems to deliver health-care services across the region.

 “When health services reach the doorsteps, the health of families and communities is transformed,” said Mr Sidibé. “Community health workers will become the backbone of strong and resilient health systems across Africa.”

"I am not alone living with HIV, there are millions of us and we are determined to put an end to AIDS," said Christine Kafando, community health worker and founder of Association Espoir pour Demain. "We have the will to do it and must continue our concerted efforts."





Treatment for children living with HIV

Only 43% of children living with HIV have access to antiretroviral therapy, compared to 54% of adults. Ending AIDS also reveals that as many as two thirds of children under two years old are diagnosed late and start treatment with advanced immunodeficiency, resulting in a high mortality rate for children of this age group. More action is needed to diagnose and treat children living with HIV.


Young people are lagging behind

Young people (15–24 years) are lagging behind on multiple fronts—knowledge of HIV, HIV testing, treatment and prevention. Young people continue to be at great risk of HIV infection, especially young women in sub-Saharan Africa. New HIV infections among young women in sub-Saharan Africa are 44% higher than among young men of their age in the region. Around 610 000 new HIV infections occurred among young people aged 15–24 years; 59% of those new infections occurred among young women age 15–24 years.

In Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, half of young people do not know their status and more than half do not have access to HIV treatment. Only 36% of young men and 30% of young women in sub-Saharan Africa had a basic knowledge of how to protect themselves from HIV. Population-based HIV Impact Assessments (PHIAs) conducted in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and supported by the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, found that less than 50% of young people living with HIV were aware of their HIV status, compared to 78% of adults aged 35–59 years.


Men not being reached

The report reveals that less than 50% of young men know how to protect themselves from HIV infection, that men are much less likely to know their HIV status or start treatment than women and that less than 50% of men living with HIV are accessing antiretroviral therapy. Many men who are diagnosed with HIV are diagnosed late and start treatment only when they fall ill, making them much more likely to die of AIDS-related illnesses than women. Deaths from AIDS-related illnesses were 27% lower among women than among men.


Key populations

Outside of sub-Saharan Africa, key populations and their sexual partners accounted for 80% of new HIV infections in 2015 and even in sub-Saharan Africa key populations account for 25% of new HIV infections. The report outlines that efforts to reach key populations with integrated HIV services are essential and that a combination approach is needed that includes harm reduction services.


Regions off track

Eastern Europe and central Asia is the only region in the world where new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths are both rising. New HIV infections increased from 120 000 [100 000–130 000] in 2010 to 190 000 [160 000–220 000] in 2016. People who inject drugs accounted for 42% of new HIV infections in the region. In the Russian Federation, newly reported cases of HIV increased by 75% from 2010 to 2016. Several other countries in the region—including Albania, Armenia and Kazakhstan—also have rapidly growing epidemics.

Even though access to HIV treatment in eastern Europe and central Asia has more than doubled in the past six years, still only 28% of people living with HIV have access to antiretroviral therapy, despite two out of three people living with HIV knowing their HIV status. AIDS-related deaths have increased by 38%.

In the Middle East and North Africa, just over half of people living with HIV knew their HIV status, with less than half of those on HIV treatment. Only one out of five people living with HIV was virally suppressed.

UNAIDS has been working with Doctors Without Borders and the African Union on a catch-up plan for western and central Africa, which is lagging far behind the rest of the continent. Only 42% of the 6.1 million people living with HIV in the region knew their HIV status, just 35% were accessing HIV treatment and only one in four people living with HIV were virally suppressed in 2016.

“I would like to reiterate our support for the catch-up plan for western and central Africa, launched by UNAIDS and now joined by partners. The adoption of this plan by the heads of state of the African Union is an essential step for mobilization and the efficient implementation of this plan by the countries in the region.” said Michèle Boccoz, French AIDS Ambassador.



Resources for the AIDS response continue to flatline

Resources for the AIDS response remain flat. At the end of 2016, around US$ 19 billion was available in low- and middle-income countries, with domestic resources accounting for 57% of the global total. An estimated US$ 26 billion will be needed for the global response to HIV by 2020.

“We are maximizing the use of every dollar available, but we are still US$ 7 billion short,” said Mr Sidibé. “With more international assistance, increased domestic funding, innovative financing and effective programming can end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.”


In 2016 an estimated:

19.5 million people were accessing antiretroviral therapy

36.7million [30.8 million–42.9 million] people globally were living with HIV

1.8  million [1.6 million–2.1 million] people became newly infected with HIV

1.0  million [830 000–1.2 million] people died from AIDS-related illnesses

HIVによる免疫機能障害の認定基準見直しを求め要望書 JaNP+、ぷれいす東京


 その意味での啓発・・・というか情報の伝達、つまり2017年度世界エイズデーの国内キャンペーンのテーマにもなっている情報やイメージのUPDATE! が必要です。 







『偏見は恐怖/沈黙は死』 いまもなお・・・

 現代性教育研究ジャーナルの連載コラム『多様な性のゆくえ One side/No side』で、7月はキース・へリングのポスター「IGNORANCE = FEAR / SILENCE = DEATH(偏見は恐怖/沈黙は死)」を取り上げました。ブログでも昨日紹介したばかりですが、改めて。
 この作品は今年11~12月に開催されるTOKYO AIDS WEEKS 2017(東京エイズウィークス2017)のポスターにもメインビジュアルとして登場しています。


 TOKYO AIDS WEEKS 2017についてはこちらをご覧ください。 





 連載コラム『多様な性のゆくえ One side/No side』の4回目です。7月15日発行の現代性教育研究ジャーナルNo76の13ページに掲載されています。
 キース・へリングのメッセージは「IGNORANCE = FEAR / SILENCE = DEATH(偏見は恐怖/沈黙は死)」でした。昔の話ではありません。
『今年は11月24~26日に第31回日本エイズ学会 学術集会・総会が東京で開かれるのに合わせ、東京エイズウィークスというキャンペーンが学会前後に展開される。そのメーンビジュアルが踊る3人のポスターに決まった』