米国内HIV新規感染『CDCデータが確認:HIV予防の成果は失速』 エイズと社会ウェブ版378




















2019.2.27 今すぐ行動が必要 








・  HIV感染を可能な限り早期に診断する。

・  ウイルス量の抑制状態が持続できるようを迅速かつ効果的にHIV治療を行う。

・  HIV予防のために毎日抗レトロウイルス薬を服用する曝露前予防内服(PrEP)など効果が証明されている予防アプローチを活用し、HIV感染の高いリスクに曝されている人を守る。

・  新規感染が急拡大しているHIVクラスターに対応し、感染拡大に歯止めをかける。






・  新規感染の最も多く(約70%)を占めるゲイおよびバイセクシュアル男性の感染は全体では横ばいを保っている。だが、人種、民族、年齢によって動向は異なる。

-       人種、民族別では、黒人のゲイおよびバイセクシュアル男性は横ばい;ラティーノのゲイおよびバイセクシュアル男性は30%増;白人のゲイおよびバイセクシュアル男性は16%減。

-       人種、民族および年齢別でみると、13~24歳では、黒人のゲイおよびバイセクシュアル男性は30%以上減少;ラティーノのゲイおよびバイセクシュアル男性は横ばい;25~34歳では、黒人とラティーノのゲイおよびバイセクシュアル男性は65%増。

・  異性愛者の男女は17%減。うちアフリカ系アメリカ人異性愛女性では15%減

・  注射薬物使用者では30%減。ただし、より最近の何年かは横ばいに転じているように見える








 HIV感染率:米国の年間推計2010~201のファクトシートはこちらで[PDF, 246KB]。


表はこちらで[PDF, 38KB]。






CDC Data Confirm: Progress in HIV Prevention Has Stalled



February 27, 2019 – Need for immediate action —

‘Ending the Epidemic: A Plan for America’

The dramatic decline in annual HIV infections has stopped and new infections have stabilized in recent years, according to a CDC report published today.

The report provides the most recent data on HIV trends in America from 2010 to 2016. It shows that after about five years of substantial declines, the number of HIV infections began to level off in 2013 at about 39,000 infections per year.


The ‘Ending the HIV Epidemic’ Initiative

During his State of the Union address to the nation on Feb. 5, President Trump called for support of a national plan to end the HIV epidemic in America that is built upon four key strategies, including:

Diagnosing HIV as early as possible after infection.

Treating HIV rapidly and effectively to achieve sustained viral suppression.

Protecting people at risk for HIV using proven prevention approaches like pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a daily pill to prevent HIV.

Responding rapidly to growing HIV clusters to stop new infections.


The proposed initiative is designed to rapidly increase use of these strategies in the 48 counties with the highest HIV burden, as well as in Washington, D.C.; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and seven states with a disproportionate rural HIV burden. The goal is to reduce new HIV infections by 90 percent over 10 years. (For more details: HIV.gov)



New HIV Infections in America

In addition to the overall trend, the new report examines HIV infections among multiple subgroups. Data indicate that annual HIV infections declined in some populations, but increased in others. CDC estimates that from 2010 to 2016, annual HIV infections:

Remained stable among gay and bisexual men, who continue to account for the largest portion (about 70 percent) of new infections. However, trends varied by race/ethnicity and age:

By race/ethnicity, infections remained stable among black gay and bisexual men; increased 30 percent among Latino gay and bisexual men; and decreased 16 percent among white gay and bisexual men.

By race/ethnicity and age, infections decreased more than 30 percent among black gay and bisexual males ages 13 to 24; remained stable among Latino gay and bisexual males ages 13 to 24; and increased about 65 percent among both black and Latino gay and bisexual males ages 25 to 34.


Decreased about 17 percent among heterosexual men and women combined, including a 15 percent decrease among heterosexual African American women.

Decreased 30 percent among people who inject drugs, but appear to have stabilized in more recent years.


CDC estimates that the decline in HIV infections has plateaued because effective HIV prevention and treatment are not adequately reaching those who could most benefit from them. These gaps remain particularly troublesome in rural areas and in the South and among disproportionately affected populations like African-Americans and Latinos.



HIV Prevention that Works

Some intensified local efforts to prevent HIV have already proven effective. For example, urban areas like New York and Washington, D.C., have developed and enacted plans to eliminate their local HIV epidemics — and they are seeing the results of those commitments. New HIV infections decreased about 23 percent in New York and about 40 percent in Washington, D.C., from 2010 to 2016.

CDC provides funds to state health departments and some large local health departments and community-based organizations to deliver interventions proven to reduce HIV infections. Click here for more information about CDC’s approach to HIV prevention. The new initiative would supplement and accelerate these efforts over the next 10 years.

View a related fact sheet, HIV Incidence: Estimated Annual Infections in the U.S., 2010-2016 [PDF, 246KB]. View related data summary tables [PDF, 38KB].