(解説) 国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)の公式サイトの文献紹介欄に掲載された『Sustaining the human rights response to HIV: AN ANALYSIS OF THE FUNDING LANDSCAPE AND VOICES FROM OMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS』(人権の観点からHIVをとらえるために:資金見通しとコミュニティからの意見)の冒頭の『EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : THE AIDS EPIDEMIC CANNOT BE ENDED WITHOUT HUMAN RIGHT』(要約:人権を無視してエイズの流行を終結させることはできない)の部分だけ日本語に訳しました。『HIVの流行に伴う人権課題は極めて重要であり、市民社会が中心になって対応してきたが、そのための資金は十分とはいえず、将来的な見通しも暗い』という認識にたってまとめられた報告書です。
以下の勧告は2014年6月11、12日、ジュネーブで開かれた「困難な状況の中でのHIVと人権プログラムの持続に関する会合」の参加者がまとめた。この会合はU NAIDSとFunders Concerned About AIDS(FCAA)が共催し、集中的な議論の結果、以下の勧告がなされた。
・HIVと人権の相乗効果を高めるようなドナー間の協力― ロバート・カー市民社会ネットワーク基金、世界平等基金など ―は資金提供の面からも利益を受ける集団の面からも拡大をはかる必要がある。このことがHIV関連の人権活動のための資金基盤を強化することになる。
The human rights response to HIV, largely implemented by civil society, has been crucial to the HIV response, but it appears that the funding for this work is insufficient and may be threatened further. Based on these concerns—and with the support of the Ford Foundation—the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) commissioned research to better understand the current and future funding landscape as experienced by the civil society groups that are implementing key human rights programmes in the HIV response. This paper presents the results of this research and makes recommendations in an effort to ensure sufficient and sustainable funding for that crucial work until the end of the AIDS epidemic.
Since HIV was first identified, people living with and affected by HIV and the civil society groups working on their behalf both have fought for human rights, and their efforts have led to many of the major successes of the HIV response. They have fought AIDS denial; advocated for full funding; demanded their rights to participation, non‑discrimination, information and treatment; fought to lower the prices of medication; challenged ineffective policies and practices in the courts; mobilized patients against mandatory testing, segregation and other abuses in health systems; and provided legal services and legal literacy to those who have been discriminated against due to their health or social status.
This human rights work has brought tremendous gains. It has made HIV prevention and treatment affordable and available, supported the uptake of (and adherence to) HIV therapies, and protected the human rights of the populations most affected by HIV (e.g. women, young people, sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who use drugs, prisoners and migrants). Human rights work has produced unprecedented global solidarity—including global funding—through which the world has taken on the epidemic. It was civil society‑driven advocacy that called for the establishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), one of the world’s largest funding mechanisms for those three health conditions, and the Global Fund also includes a strong commitment to human rights in its current strategy. Furthermore, in the 2001 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, the 2006 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, and the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS, governments recognized the importance of protective laws, human rights‑based national HIV responses and specific programmes to protect human rights (1). UNAIDS also has made human rights and gender equality one of three pillars—along with prevention and treatment—in its 2011–2015 strategy, Getting to zero.
The HIV response is now at a critical juncture. Many countries are seeing a drop in new HIV infections, and more people are receiving treatment. With treatment providing enormous prevention benefits, it has become clear that the world has the science to end the AIDS epidemic. And while there have been overall gains in treatment access and reductions in AIDS‑related deaths and new infections, there are inequities within those successes. Ending the AIDS epidemic in a way that leaves no one behind will increasingly require reaching populations that are deeply marginalized and criminalized. In fact, criminalization of key populations most affected by HIV is actually intensifying in some instances. Reaching these populations will require human rights work to overcome legal and social barriers, and to empower affected communities.
Despite the strongest ever policy base and increasing need for human rights work, there are indications that funding for that work is insufficient and may be decreasing. Sources indicate that little of the present annual funding for the global HIV response supports human rights programming. This may drop further as funders move to new priorities and many low‑income countries transition to middle‑income or high‑income status, requiring increased government matches of external funding sources and sometimes leading to funding ineligibility.
A very small fraction of resources for the global HIV response supports programming on human rights
UNAIDS estimates put the annual global spending for the human rights response to HIV at approximately US$ 137 million. This is a fraction of the US$ 19.1 billion that was spent in 2013 on the overall HIV response in low‑ and middle‑income countries. Even though they are not directly comparable, these data are consistent with UNAIDS Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (GARPR) data, which show that 0.13% of total AIDS spending reported to UNAIDS by low‑ and middle‑income countries is allocated for human rights‑related programming (2).
Civil society organizations working on HIV‑related human rights report uncertain futures
This report was commissioned due to many indications that the civil society organizations and community networks that have led the human rights responses to HIV are under threat of downsizing or disappearing entirely. A survey of 123 organizations working on the human rights response to HIV documents their experiences and perceptions. The findings include the following:
・The majority of survey respondents report that their funding has decreased.
・The majority of survey respondents anticipate that the decrease in funding will limit their ability to carry out HIV‑related human rights programming and will lead to organizational downsizing.
・Survey respondents anticipating the most severe decreases in funding for HIV‑related human rights programmes are in middle‑income countries.
・Survey respondents that anticipate less severe decreases in funding are in sub‑Saharan Africa and carry out diversified programming, including service delivery.
・Although domestic funding grew in recent years (3), 70% of survey respondents do not access domestic funds. Respondents also reported that it seems unlikely that governments will provide funding for human rights work that may be seen to be challenging government policies. This mirrors barriers identified in the UNAIDS 2014 Gap report(4).
・Survey respondents are accessing funds from bilateral donors, private philanthropic agencies and United Nations (UN) agencies.
・Although their work is on human rights and law, only 51% of survey respondents report accessing funds from non‑HIV donors, such as those that focus on human rights, democracy and governance, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.
The donor base for HIV‑related human rights work appears uncertain
Many countries have moved from low‑income status to middle‑ or high‑income status, requiring increased government matches of external funding sources and sometimes leading to funding ineligibility. This development makes civil society more dependent on domestic funding that may not be forthcoming for human rights work.
The Global Fund has set maximum country allocations that may result in a reduction in funding for some countries. This has the potential to make competition for those funds between basic biomedical services and critical enablers (including human rights programmes) even more fierce.
As one of its five strategic objectives, the Global Fund Strategy 2012–2016: investing for impact includes promoting and protecting human rights in the context of the three diseases. This represents the biggest potential for expanding human rights programming in the future, despite the fact that only 25% of survey respondents report having accessed funding from the Global Fund. However, the proposals that are country‑owned and country‑driven may not include the optional module on removing legal barriers to access.
Funding priorities of many of international funders are shifting away from HIV to other subjects, such as sexual and reproductive health.
The following recommendations were made by participants at a Meeting on Sustaining HIV and Human Rights Programming in Challenging Contexts, in Geneva on 11–12 June 2014. The meeting was co‑organized by UNAIDS and Funders Concerned About AIDS, and the agenda included extensive discussion of the key recommendations made in this paper, including:
・Governments should increase support and improve accessibility of domestic resources, and donors should increase support to all critical components of the HIV response, paying particular attention to ensuring that sufficient funds are provided for the critical enablers, including the human rights‑related programmes that are key to the success of the response.
・Private foundations should continue their essential role in providing critical funds for HIV‑related human rights work, including supplements for funding shortfalls in domestic or multilateral funding.
・The Global Fund Secretariat should continue to work closely with governments, civil society and technical partners to realize and implement fully the human rights components of its strategy. This includes its current efforts to ensure that (a) technical assistance and support is provided towards the inclusion of human rights programming in country dialogues and concept notes, (b) such programmes are retained in grant budgets and are actually implemented, and (c) the funding amounts for such programmes are monitored on a regular basis.
・UNAIDS—in its support of grant implementation and the development of investment cases, national strategic plans (NSPs), Global Fund‑related country dialogues and concept notes—should ensure that human rights‑related programmes, either as critical enablers or on their own, are included, costed, budgeted, implemented and evaluated as part of national HIV responses.
・UNAIDS, with partners, should improve tools and capacities to track expenditures and cost human rights programmes so that funding for such programmes can be better measured and followed.
・Existing donor collaborations that foster synergies between HIV and human rights—such as the Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund, the Global Equality Fund and others—should be enlarged in terms of the funding provided and the groups that can benefit. This will provide a greater funding base for HIV‑related human rights work.
・Human rights and HIV donors should work with civil society organizations to optimize the political space and resources that HIV funding has opened for human rights. They also should support HIV organizations working on human rights to integrate into (and benefit from) the funding of broader human rights initiatives and programmes.