PrEP研究の成果を歓迎 UNAIDS エイズと社会ウェブ版173








 PrEP(曝露前予防)の研究成果を歓迎 国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)プレスステートメント

(解説) シアトルで2月23日から26日まで開かれているレトロウイルスと日和見感染症会議(CROI)で、PrEP(曝露前予防)に関する研究の好結果が報告され、UNAIDSが歓迎のプレスステートメントを発表しました。HIV感染リスクが高いと思われる男性と性行為をする男性(MSM)層を対象にした英国、カナダの研究、および1人がHIV陽性で相手は陰性のカップル1000組以上を対象にしたウガンダとケニアの研究です。ウガンダとケニアの研究はHIV陽性のパートナーに抗レトロウイルス治療、陰性のパートナーにPrEPをそれぞれ提供しています。PrEPは、HIVに感染していない人が抗レトロウイルス薬をあらかじめ感染予防目的で服用する感染予防策で、予防効果に関する成果は次々に報告されていますが、広く一般化できる手段とは言えず、かなりトリッキーな予防策であるという印象もぬぐえません。どのような対象に、どのような条件なら有効なのか、あるいは容認できるのかという議論はこれからしっかりと進めていかなければならないでしょう。UNAIDSのプレスステートメントも見出しでは強く歓迎の意を示しているものの、本文中の評価は《感染リスクの高いMSM、および1人がHIV陽性で相手は陰性のカップルに対しては、PrEPがHIVの包括的予防の一翼を担い、極めて効果的な予防の追加的選択肢となる》と相当、慎重な言い回しをしています。










 南アフリカで行われた別の研究(FACTS 001トライアル)は、テノホビルを1%含む膣用ジェルを使用した場合、中程度(50~60%)の継続率があっても、HIV感染の高いリスクにさらされている若い女性には、性交時のHIV感染予防効果はないことが示された。残念な結果ではあったが、この研究は若い女性にとって効果がある新たなHIV感染予防の選択肢を緊急に探す必要があるという貴重な情報を提供している。



UNAIDS welcomes further evidence of the efficacy of antiretroviral medicines in preventing new HIV infections

GENEVA, 24 February 2015―UNAIDS strongly welcomes results from scientific trials presented at the 2015 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), held in Seattle, United States of America. Two studies demonstrate that the antiretroviral medicines tenofovir and emtricitabine when used as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) are 86% effective in preventing new HIV infections among men who have sex with men.

A third study showed 96% efficacy in preventing new HIV infections when the HIV-negative person in a serodiscordant couple (where one partner is living with HIV and the other is not) had access to PrEP and the HIV-positive partner had access to antiretroviral therapy.

“These new results are a significant breakthrough in advancing efforts to provide effective HIV prevention options to men who have sex with men and to serodiscordant couples,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “The results are timely and important and will advance global efforts to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.”

The PROUD study in the United Kingdom enrolled more than 500 men who have sex with men at higher risk of HIV infection. Half of the participants were given a daily pill of tenofovir and emtricitabine, the other half were deferred for one year before starting PrEP. According to the results presented at CROI, the people taking a daily pill of tenofovir and emtricitabine were 86% less likely to become infected with HIV than the people in the deferred group.
Results presented by the organizers of the Franco-Canadian IPERGAY study also showed the significant efficacy of PrEP. In the IPERGAY study some 450 men who have sex with men at higher risk of HIV infection were enrolled in a trial in which half were asked to take four tablets of tenofovir and emtricitabine, two before and two after sexual intercourse; the other half were given a placebo. According to the results presented, the people in the group taking the active pill before and after sex were 86% less likely to become infected with HIV.

In both the studies the trials were modified to offer active antiretroviral medicines to all participants after interim analysis of the data showed a significantly positive effect.

The Partners PrEP Demonstration Project enrolled more than 1000 serodiscordant couples in Uganda and Kenya. The HIV-positive partner in each serodiscordant couple was offered antiretroviral therapy and the HIV-negative partner was offered PrEP. A computer simulation model calculated the efficacy of PrEP combined with early treatment to be 96%.

The Partners PrEP Demonstration Project suggests that the use of PrEP as a potential bridge in serodiscordant couples―used while the HIV-positive person commences treatment until such a time that the risk of transmitting the virus is minimized―is highly effective in reducing new HIV infections.

Another study in South Africa, the FACTS 001 trial, showed that despite moderate adherence, with 50­­–60% of sexual exposures happening in the presence of gel, the use of 1% tenofovir as a vaginal gel was not effective in preventing new HIV infections among young women at higher risk of HIV infection. Despite disappointing results the study does provide valuable information about the urgent need to find new and effective HIV prevention options that work for young women.

UNAIDS warmly congratulates the researchers on completing four major studies of HIV prevention approaches in the populations that are most in need of prevention. For men who have sex with men at higher risk of HIV infection and for serodiscordant couples, PrEP, offered as part of a package of HIV prevention measures, is a highly effective additional HIV prevention option.

To advance efforts to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, UNAIDS stresses the continued need for a combination approach to HIV prevention that includes biomedical, behaviour change and structural approaches.