2015年10月14日 UNAIDS
「毎日が開発」はブログだけでなく、出版のプロジェクトでもあった。SDGs が今年9月、ニューヨークで採択されたことから、ブログは終止符を打ったが、その蓄積を生かしUNAIDSは過去2年間の記録を集め、新たに書籍を発行した。
Daily Development book is launched
14 October 2015
In 2013, UNAIDS launched the Daily Development blog to explore, in the run up to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), global development and the people behind it. The blog covered the whole range of development issues to be addressed by the SDGs—health, human rights, innovation, the arts, education, economics, the environment and more.
Both high-level policy-makers and people working on the ground in some of the world’s most difficult conditions were asked to give their stories. Erna Solberg, the Prime Minister of Norway, spoke about her passion for ensuring that girls are educated. Edward Tommy, a journalist from Freetown in Sierra Leone, describes his experience of working at the epicenter of the Ebola outbreak in mid-2014. And Aidan McQuade, Director of Anti-Slavery International, wrote about why there is still a need for an anti-slavery organization in the modern world. What unites those authors, and the dozens of other people we spoke to, is their commitment towards improving the lives of others—they were working towards achieving the 17 SDGs even before they were formulated.
Daily Development was founded as both a blog and a book project. With the adoption of the SDGs in New York in September the blog published its last post, but as the culmination of the project UNAIDS has published a book, telling the stories of all who we spoke to over the past two years.
“We hope that the Daily Development book will serve as inspiration for all who work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals over the next 15 years.”
Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director