ハイレベル会合に向けた国連事務総長報告(UNAIDSプレスリリース) エイズと社会ウェブ版563(の続き)







エイズ終結に向け、不平等に終止符を打つことに対策の焦点を当てるよう要請 国連事務総長  UNAIDS プレスリリース



ニューヨーク 2021年4月30日 一定の地域や人口集団における成果は目覚ましかったものの、他の場所では流行の拡大が続いている。国連のアントニオ・グテーレス事務総長はHIV/エイズ対策についてこう警告し、10項目の重要な勧告(注)を行いました。すべての国がこの勧告に従えば、持続可能な開発目標の一環である「公衆衛生上の脅威としてのエイズパンデミック」は2030年までに終結することになるでしょう。新たな報告書『不平等の解消に取り組み、2030年のエイズ終結に向けた軌道に戻る』の中で、事務総長は対策の進展を妨げる不平等に対処することを世界に求めています。














  1. エイズ終結に向けた成果の達成を妨げる深刻かつ複合的な不平等の解消に取り組む。
  2. 予防を重視し、HIV感染のリスクがある人の95%が2025年までに、適切で優先性が高く、人を中心に考えた効果的なコンビネーション予防の選択肢を利用できるようにする。
  3. HIV検査・治療・ウイルス抑制のギャップがHIV対策の成果を阻んでいることから、そのギャップを埋め、2025年までにHIV陽性の子供を含むすべての人口集団や年齢層、地域において検査と治療の95-95-95ターゲットを達成する。
  4. HIV母子感染をなくし、子供のエイズ終結を目指す。
  5. HIVのリスクと影響を軽減するため、ジェンダーの平等および多様な女性と女児の人権の尊重を対策の中心に据える。
  6. GIPA(HIV陽性者のより積極的な参加)原則を遂行し、HIV陽性者、女性、思春期の若者、青年層およびキーポピュレーションのコミュニティがHIV対策で重要な役割を果たせるよう支援する。
  7. HIV 陽性者やHIV感染のリスクに曝されている人たち、HIVの影響を受けている人たちの人権を尊重・保護・充足し、2025年までにHIV陽性者とキーポピュレーションの間でスティグマと差別を経験する人の割合を10%未満にする。
  8. HIV対策の資金ギャップを埋めるために世界がさらに連帯し、低・中所得国でのHIVに対する投資を2025年には年間290億ドルに増やす。
  9. ユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジ(UHC)と強靭なプライマリ・ヘルスケア・システムの構築を加速し、COVID-19と人道的な危機に適切かつ公平に対応することで、世界の健康安全保障と将来のパンデミックへの備えを強化する。
  10. エイズ終結の実現、およびすべての人に対する国際公共財としての健康の保障に向け、25年に及ぶ国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)の経験と専門知識と使命を活用することで、多くの部門から様々な利害関係者が参加し、人権を重視した共同行動を構築する。




United Nations Secretary-General calls for a greater focus on ending inequalities to end AIDS

Forty years since the first AIDS cases were reported and just weeks before the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS, the United Nations Secretary-General has released a new report with recommendations and targets to get the world back on track to end AIDS


NEW YORK, 30 April 2021—The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has warned that despite intensive action and progress made against HIV in some places and population groups, HIV epidemics continue to expand in others and issued a set of 10 key recommendations.* If followed by all countries, this will end the AIDS pandemic as a public health threat by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. In a new report, Addressing inequalities and getting back on track to end AIDS by 2030, the United Nations Secretary-General urges the world to address the inequalities that are slowing progress.

“It is imperative to break out of an increasingly costly and unsustainable cycle of achieving some progress against HIV but ultimately not enough to bring about an end to the pandemic,” said Mr Guterres in the report. “Inequalities are the key reason why the 2020 global targets were missed. By ending inequalities, transformative outcomes can be achieved for people living with HIV, communities and countries.”

The global targets set out in the General Assembly’s 2016 Political Declaration on Ending AIDS were missed by a long way, allowing the AIDS pandemic to grow in many regions and countries. The staggering 1.7 million new HIV infections that occurred in 2019 are more than three times higher than the 2020 target of less than 500 000 new infections. In addition, the 690 000 AIDS-related deaths in 2019 far exceed the 2020 target of reducing deaths to fewer than 500 000 a year.

“Ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 is still within reach—many countries are showing that rapid progress against HIV is possible when evidence-informed strategies and human rights-based approaches are adopted,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima. “But it requires bold political leadership to challenge and address the social injustices and inequalities that continue to make certain groups of people and entire communities highly vulnerable to HIV infection.”

The report notes that COVID-19 has caused additional setbacks. The United Nations Secretary-General warned that COVID-19 is not an excuse for missing AIDS targets, but rather a stark warning to the countries that they can no longer afford to underinvest in pandemic preparedness and responses.

At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the many spill-over benefits of HIV investments in health and development. Community-led service delivery pioneered by the HIV response is helping to overcome the extraordinary impediments created by COVID-19.

The set of 10 recommendations to get the world back on track include: addressing inequalities and reaching all people living with or at risk of HIV infection to reduce the annual new HIV infections to under 370 000 and annual AIDS-related deaths to under 250 000 by 2025; prioritizing HIV prevention to ensure that 95% of people at risk of HIV infection have access to effective HIV prevention options by 2025; and eliminating new HIV infections among children.

The report underscores that addressing social and structural factors that perpetuate inequalities is key. It highlights, for example, how gender inequality, underpinned by harmful gender norms, restricts women’s use of HIV and sexual and reproductive health services by perpetuating gender-based violence and limiting decision-making power, including the ability of women and girls to refuse unwanted sex, negotiate safer sex and mitigate HIV risk.

It also shows how vulnerable, marginalized and criminalized communities, such as gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who use drugs, sex workers, transgender people, prisoners and migrants, also remain at higher risk of HIV infection than the general population because they are not receiving essential information and HIV treatment, prevention and care services.

The United Nations Secretary-General describes how communities of people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV are the backbone of the HIV response. Initiatives led by people living with HIV, women, key populations, young people and other affected communities have identified and addressed key inequalities and service gaps, advocated for the rights of their constituents and expanded the reach, scale and quality of health services.

In the report, Mr Guterres applauds UNAIDS’ recently adopted Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026: End Inequalities, End AIDS. “The lessons from the countries, cities and communities that successfully fast-tracked their HIV responses over the last five years are at the heart of the UNAIDS Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026,” said Mr Guterres. “The global AIDS community and UNAIDS have used an inequalities lens to develop the strategy, with new targets that are ambitious, granular and tailored to reach the furthest behind first.”

The report comes 25 years after the creation of UNAIDS and describes how COVID-19 has exposed social inequalities and health system weaknesses. The United Nations Secretary-General says that the world should leverage the experience from responding to the AIDS pandemic to strengthen health systems across the world and improve pandemic preparedness. He also calls for enhanced global solidarity to close the HIV resource gap and increase annual HIV investments in low- and middle-income countries to US$ 29 billion by 2025.


*The 10 recommendations in the United Nations Secretary-General’s report:


     Reduce and end the acute and intersecting inequalities that are obstructing progress to end AIDS.

     Prioritize HIV prevention and ensure that 95% of people at risk of HIV infection have access to and use appropriate, prioritized, person-centred and effective combination prevention options by 2025.

     Close gaps in HIV testing, treatment and viral suppression that are limiting the impact of HIV responses and achieve by 2025 the 95–95–95 testing and treatment targets within all subpopulations, age groups and geographic settings, including children living with HIV.

     Eliminate vertical HIV transmission and end paediatric AIDS.

     Put gender equality and the human rights of women and girls in all their diversity at the forefront of efforts to mitigate the risk and impact of HIV.

     Implement the GIPA (Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS) principle and empower communities of people living with HIV, women, adolescents and young people and key populations to play their critical HIV response roles.

     Respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV and ensure by 2025 that less than 10% of people living with HIV and key populations experience stigma and discrimination.

     Enhance global solidarity to close the HIV response resource gap and increase annual HIV investments in low- and middle-income countries to US$29 billion by 2025.

     Accelerate progress towards universal health coverage and strong primary health care systems, build forward better and fairer from COVID-19 and humanitarian crises, and strengthen global health security and future pandemic preparedness.

 Leverage the 25 years of experience, expertise and mandate of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in building multisectoral, multi-stakeholder and rights-based collaborative action to end AIDS and deliver health for all as global public good.