『10年間の進歩を経て、エイズ終結の野心的目標に向け対応の再活性化を』 国連事務総長報告2019





2020年ターゲットの達成に向けた政治の意思を再び強く持ち、行動を強化し、必要な勢いを生み出すために、加盟国は以下の勧告の採択を求められている:(aHIV感染の一次予防に力を入れる;(b90-90-90ターゲット達成に向けたHIV検査の多様化と患者に合わせた保健医療ケアの提供 ;(c)社会から疎外され弱い立場の人たちの権利を尊重する法的、政策的環境の確立;(d)追加的資金の確保、および最も必要なところへのその資金の配分;(e)コミュニティが重要な役割を担えるようにするための支援;(f)包括的なHIV対策のユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジへの合流』(報告書サマリーから)







ニューヨーク/ジュネーブ 201963日- 国連事務総長は加盟国に対し、国連総会第73会期の新たな報告書『10年間の進歩を経て、エイズ終結の野心的目標に向け対応の再活性化を』を公表した。加盟国は米国ニューヨークの国連本部に集まり、成果と課題について検証した。


事務総長報告は かつて低所得状態では不可能とされてきた成果が、過去10年のHIV対策により達成されてきたことを示している。2008年から2017年の間にエイズ関連の年間の死者数は世界全体で43%減少した。子供の新規HIV感染は45%減少し、成人の新規感染も19%減っている。HIV治療を受けている人の数は5.5倍に増え、2017年推計では全HIV陽性者3690万人のうち2170万人が治療につながっている。











国連事務総長は報告書の中で、エイズ終結に関する2016年国連総会政治宣言で合意した2020年ターゲットの達成に向けて、政治の意思を再び強く持ち、行動を強化し、必要な勢いを生み出すために、以下の勧告を採択するよう加盟国に求めている。(aHIV感染の一次予防に力を入れる;(b90-90-90ターゲット達成に向けたHIV検査の多様化と患者に合わせた保健医療ケアの提供 ;(c)社会から疎外され弱い立場にある人たちの権利を尊重する法的、政策的な環境の確立;(d)追加的資金の確保、および最も必要なところへのその資金の配分;(e)コミュニティが重要な役割を担えるようにするための支援;(f)包括的なHIV対策のユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジへの合流。



Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress

  Press Release

NEW YORK/GENEVA, 3 June 2019—A new report from the United Nations Secretary-General, Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress, has been presented to United Nations Member States during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly. The Member States gathered at the United Nations in New York, United States of America, to review progress and share their own progress and challenges.

 “A world without AIDS was almost unimaginable when the General Assembly held its first special session on the epidemic 18 years ago,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in the report. “Since then, the global determination to defeat one of history’s greatest health crises has produced remarkable progress … and … inspired a commitment within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.”

The Secretary-General’s report shows that results once derided as impossible in low-income settings have now been achieved following a decade of progress in the response to HIV. Between 2008 and 2017, there was a 43% reduction in AIDS-related deaths, a 45% reduction in new HIV infections among children and a 19% reduction in new HIV infections among adults globally. The number of people living with HIV on treatment also increased, by 5.5 times, reaching 21.7 million of the 36.9 million people living with HIV in 2017.

The enormous achievements in the response to HIV in recent decades, under the strong leadership of UNAIDS, is one of the best examples of multilateralism in action,” said María Fernanda Espinosa, President of the United Nations General Assembly. “It is most definitely an indication of what we can achieve when we work together around a common cause."

The report shows that progress has been most marked in eastern and southern Africa, where AIDS-related deaths fell by 53% and new HIV infections among adults and children fell by 36%. An epidemic that once killed more than a million people in the region per year now claims fewer than 400 000 lives per year.

In other regions of the world, including Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, western and central Europe and North America, increases in the coverage of HIV testing and treatment services have achieved significant reductions in AIDS-related deaths over the past decade. Most of those regions have also experienced declines in new HIV infections.

Notable exceptions are eastern Europe and central Asia, where the annual number of new HIV infections has risen by 30% since 2010, with an estimated 960 000 people newly infected over this time, and in the Middle East and North Africa, where deaths from AIDS-related illnesses increased by 11%, an estimated 140 000 people newly infected, over the same period.

The report notes that services focused on key populations within those regions are few and far between, and harsh punishments for same-sex sexual relationships, drug use and sex work in those regions and elsewhere are proving to be formidable barriers to the few services that are available.

In western and central Africa, insufficient domestic funding, weak health systems, formal and informal user fees for health care, humanitarian situations and high levels of stigma and discrimination continue to undermine efforts to scale up HIV testing and treatment.

Many challenges remain, including stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV and harmful gender norms. Laws and policies in many countries prevent young people, women, key populations―gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender people, people who inject drugs and prisoners and other incarcerated people―indigenous people, migrants and refugees from accessing health and HIV services.

Funding for HIV responses in low- and middle-income countries globally has also remained flat for most of the past five years. In 2017, donor and domestic investments in low- and middle-income countries were US$ 20.6 billion, about 80% of the 2020 target.

As the Secretary-General’s report makes abundantly clear, to protect the gains we have made and to tackle the challenges that stand in the way of our promise to end AIDS by 2030, we need to firm up our resolve, strengthen our partnerships and say no to complacency,” said Gunilla Carlsson, UNAIDS Executive Director, a.i. “Let’s start with a successful replenishment that results in a fully funded Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that will enable it, along with its range of partners, including UNAIDS, to continue to deliver evidence-informed, people-centred and human-rights based support to the people and communities who need it the most.”

The report outlines that there is an important opportunity to seize the growing momentum to achieve universal health coverage, a core principle of which is leaving no one behind. Collaboration between health systems and community groups has been shown to reduce stigma and discrimination and to help to deliver services to the people in greatest need―a key recommendation of the report is the strengthening of the vital role that community groups play in the AIDS response.

In the report, the United Nations Secretary-General urges Member States to adopt the following recommendations to galvanize political will, accelerate action and build the momentum necessary to reach the 2020 targets agreed to by the United Nations General Assembly in the 2016 United Nations Political Declaration on Ending AIDS: (a) reinvigorate primary HIV prevention; (b) diversify HIV testing and differentiate the delivery of health care to reach the 90–90–90 targets; (c) establish enabling legal and policy environments in order to reach marginalized and vulnerable populations; (d) mobilize additional resources and allocate them where they are most needed; (e) support communities to enable them to play their critical roles; and (f) incorporate a comprehensive HIV response into universal health coverage.














 2020年ターゲットの達成に向けた政治の意思を再び強く持ち、行動を強化し、必要な勢いを生み出すために、加盟国は以下の勧告の採択を求められている:(aHIV感染の一次予防に力を入れる;(b90-90-90ターゲット達成に向けたHIV検査の多様化と患者に合わせた保健医療ケアの提供 ;(c)社会から疎外され弱い立場にある人たちの権利を尊重する法的、政策的な環境の確立;(d)追加的資金の確保、および最も必要なところへのその資金の配分;(e)コミュニティが重要な役割を担えるようにするための支援;(f)包括的なHIV対策のユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジへの合流。



Galvanizing global ambition to end the AIDS epidemic after a decade of progress 

  Report of the Secretary-General



 A world without AIDS was almost unimaginable when the General Assembly held its first special session on the epidemic 18 years ago. Since then, the global determination to defeat one of history’s greatest health crises has produced remarkable progress. Over the past decade, the number of people living with HIV on treatment has increased 5.5 times, behaviour change communications and condom distribution programmes have successfully reduced the incidence of HIV infection in a variety of settings and a growing number of countries have eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Globally, deaths from AIDS-related illnesses among people of all ages and HIV infections among children have been cut nearly in half, and new infections among adults have declined by 19 per cent.

  Strong gains against the epidemic inspired a commitment within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. The General Assembly agreed in 2016 that achieving this target required rapid expansion of HIV prevention, testing and treatment services.

  There are many challenges, including stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV and harmful gender norms. Laws and policies in many countries prevent young people, women, key populations (people who inject drugs, sex workers, transgender people, prisoners, and gay men and other men who have sex with men), indigenous peoples, migrants and refugees from accessing health and HIV services. Funding for HIV responses in low- and middle-income countries globally has also been flat for most of the past five years.

However, there is a window of opportunity for more countries, across all regions and income levels, to get on track to meet the 2020 targets agreed by the General Assembly. The United Nations system, including the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), is enhancing its support to countries through the United Nations reform initiative.

  An important opportunity is the growing movement to achieve universal health coverage. A core principle of universal health coverage is to leave no one behind. Within the context of HIV, leaving no one behind requires a health benefit package that includes a comprehensive set of health facility-based HIV services, additional public health and social protection services provided through dedicated government funding streams and structural changes to ensure that vulnerable and marginalized people can access the services they need.

  Member States are urged to adopt the following recommendations to galvanize political will, accelerate action and build the momentum necessary to reach 2020 targets: (a) reinvigorate primary HIV prevention; (b) diversify HIV testing and differentiate the delivery of health care to reach the 90–90–90 targets; (c) establish enabling legal and policy environments in order to reach marginalized and vulnerable populations; (d) mobilize additional resources and allocate them where they are most needed; (e) support communities to enable them to play their critical roles; and (f) incorporate a comprehensive HIV response into universal health coverage.