『HIV予防と治療に過去最高の成果 新たなPEPFAR成果報告を発表』




割礼手術は感染していない人がHIVに感染するのを防ぐため。そして、抗レトロウイルス治療の普及にはT as Pの効果ももちろん含めての成果なのでしょうが、基本的にはHIVに感染している人の生命を救うというのが大目標です。


ところで、参考までに数字をあげておくと、抗レトロウイルス治療を受けているHIV陽性者の総数は20176月現在のUNAIDS推計では2090万人です。PEPFARはそのうちの1330万人に支援をしているそうですから「historic highs(歴史的高水準)」くらいのことはハイになって言っても当然かもしれませんね。 




 HIV予防と治療に過去最高の成果 新たなPEPFAR成果報告を発表

New PEPFAR Results Reach Historic Highs in HIV Prevention and Treatment




 ワシントンD.C. 2017世界エイズデーの前夜、米大統領エイズ救済緊急計画(PEPFAR)は新たな成果報告を発表した。透明で、きちんと説明ができ、費用対効果の高い投資によってHIV予防と治療を大きく拡大し、プログラムは過去最高の成果を上げている。


 最新のPEPFARデータによると、思春期の少女と若い女性の新規HIV感染は初めて大きく減少している。PEPFARの官民協力プログラムDREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe)の対象となったアフリカ10カ国(63地区)では、HIVの流行に最も大きな打撃を受けているコミュニティおよび地区の半数以上(65%)で、若い女性の新たなHIV感染診断が2540%以上減少している。重視すべきは、新規の感染診断がDREAMS対策の対象となったほぼすべての地区で減っていることだ。






 PEPFARは地球規模のHIV/エイズの流行に対する米国の政策であり、一つの国による単一の疾病に対する政策としては史上最大のコミットメントとなっている。米国民の思いやりと寛容の心を反映して、PEPFARは世界の何百万という人びとの生命を救い、生活の質を改善してきた。また、公衆衛生上の脅威としてのエイズ流行を制御し、究極的には終結に導くことを目指している。詳しくは、www.pepfar.gov 、あるいはPEPFARTwitterFacebookInstagramをご覧ください。



New PEPFAR Results Reach Historic Highs in HIV Prevention and Treatment

The program continues to increase its impact through transparent, accountable, and cost-effective investments


Washington, D.C.—On the eve of World AIDS Day 2017, new results from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) released today show that the program has reached historic highs through its rapid acceleration of HIV prevention and treatment efforts, driven by transparent, accountable, and cost-effective investments.

As of September 30, 2017, PEPFAR supported more than 15.2 million men and boys with substantial protection from HIV infection through the provision of voluntary medical male circumcision. This high-water mark was reached due to the largest single-year increase (3.4 million) in these results since the beginning of PEPFAR. PEPFAR achieved landmark levels in its expansion of access to lifesaving antiretroviral treatment (ART). PEPFAR supported more than 13.3 million men, women, and children with ART.

For the first time, the latest PEPFAR data also show significant declines in new HIV diagnoses among adolescent girls and young women. In the 10 African countries (63 districts) implementing PEPFAR’s pioneering DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe) public-private partnership, the majority (65 percent) of the highest-HIV-burden communities or districts achieved greater than a 25-40 percent decline in new HIV diagnoses among young women. Importantly, new diagnoses declined in nearly all DREAMS intervention districts.

Ambassador Deborah L. Birx, M.D., U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy, said, “We are at an unprecedented moment in the global HIV/AIDS response. Our latest results clearly show the remarkable impact of PEPFARs accelerated HIV prevention and treatment efforts. With the strong leadership of the Trump Administration, our data-driven and cost-effective investments are driving progress toward controlling and ultimately ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic – community by community and district by district.”

PEPFAR released additional results demonstrating the tremendous depth and breadth of the program’s impact. To ensure children thrive and are protected from HIV, PEPFAR supports more than 6.4 million orphans, vulnerable children, and their caregivers affected by HIV/AIDS. To ensure babies are born HIV-free, PEPFAR has also supported more than 2.2 million babies who have been born HIV-negative to HIV-positive mothers.

The new data add to PEPFAR impact results released in the past year, which show that five African countries are approaching control of their HIV epidemics. They also highlight critical advances being made under the PEPFAR Strategy for Accelerating HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control (2017-2020), which was launched by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the 2017 United Nations General Assembly.




PEPFAR is the U.S. government’s response to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, which represents the largest commitment by any nation to address a single disease in history. Through the compassion and generosity of the American people, PEPFAR has saved and improved millions of lives, accelerating progress toward controlling and ultimately ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat. For more information, please visit www.pepfar.gov, and follow PEPFAR on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.