『薬の価格を下げる』 IAS2017年次書簡その4

 国際エイズ学会(IAS)の年次書簡2017『力強い科学 果敢なアクティビズム』。日本語仮訳の4回目です。限りある資金で最大限の成果を収めるには、抗レトロウイルス薬の価格引き下げが急務という指摘です。まったくもってその通り・・・ではありますが、これもまた注文通りというわけにはいきません。


 でも、まだ十分とは到底いえない。今後もさらにエイズ対策が成果をあげていくには、なお一層の価格引き下げが必要になります。T as Pが重視されれば、予防対策の観点からもますますそうなるでしょうね。ただし・・・ということで課題も山積みです。












図 ARV第1選択薬の価格例。2016年のWHOガイドラインで第1選択薬に推奨されているtenofovir disoproxil fumarate / emtricitabine (TDF/FTC)の固定容量合剤(データは2005年から2013年までの300/200mg剤を示す)(注13)。








   ユスフ・ハミド、シプラ会長 2000











While working to generate new funding for AIDS, we also must minimize the costs of key inputs into our programmes. Continuing our efforts to lower the prices of essential medicines is a priority. More than 18 million people worldwide had initiated ARV therapy as of June 201611, and the lives of these and many more who will start treatment depend on future access to these life-saving medicines. In low- and middle-income countries, the cost of first-line ARV regimens has fallen by 90% over the past 15 years12.



 Example price evolution of first line ARVs. Price reduction for the 2016 WHO Guidelines first-line recommended tenofovir disoproxil fumarate / emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) fixed dose combination (data shown for the 300/200 mg tablet over the period from 2005 until 2016)13.


However, threats are now emerging that imperil the future affordability of HIV medicines, including the growing demand for more expensive, patented second- and third-line regimens, the spread of national patent regimes in compliance with requirements of the World Trade Organization, and the increasing concentration within the generics market for antiretroviral medicines. The world’s ability to ensure that ARVs and other essential medicines are readily available and affordable when and where they are needed is further undermined by the increasing efforts of some high-income countries to impose onerous and unwarranted intellectual property provisions through bilateral and multilateral trade agreements.


As new HIV medicines are developed, their makers are increasingly opting to enter into voluntary licensing agreements with generic manufacturers as a means of expanding access to these drugs in low- and middle-income countries. Although these voluntary licensing agreements represent progress over earlier practice when patients in resource-limited settings often had to wait many years to obtain new medical innovations, they also have important shortcomings. In addition to omitting many middle-income countries altogether, these licensing agreements frequently impose onerous reporting requirements on clinicians, limit the ability of generic manufacturers to find the least expensive source of active pharmaceutical ingredients, and include other measures that actually worsen consumers’ access to drugs in some countries.


Leading health economists have analysed available data and determined that the costs of manufacturing many ARV medicines are minimal – roughly US$80 per person per year. When generic manufacturers are available to supply these medicines at such affordable prices, actions that undermine their ability to do so cannot be aligned with the commitments that every country has made to work towards ending the AIDS epidemic.


 “My generics company can manufacture HIV antiretrovirals for a dollar per day.”

    Yusuf Hamied, Cipla Chairman 2000


While the need to ensure access to affordable medicines is especially urgent in low- and middle-income countries, prices at which drugs are marketed in high-income countries inflict onerous burdens on health systems and inevitably limit access to life-saving therapies.


Although new challenges to access and affordability are emerging, the next few years also offer opportunities to further lower drug costs. Several ARV compounds will soon lose patent protection, affording possible relief to health consumers and systems, especially in middle-income countries that are now excluded from licensing agreements.


The HIV community should join together with advocates for other chronic diseases to demand a new global deal on drug pricing. Transparent voluntary licensing agreements that include no hidden restrictions or onerous reporting burdens are needed. Countries have the right under international law to maximum flexibility to adopt compulsory licensing. This should be in parallel to importation or using other strategies to make essential medicines available to those who need them.