恐怖と感染性と検出限界以下について GNP+

最近はすっかり世界のHIV感染予防対策の中心となった感がある「予防としての治療」(T as P)について、世界HIV陽性者ネットワーク(GNP+)が2月8日付けで公式サイトのニュース欄に見解を発表しています。声明と受け止めてよさそうですね。

On Fear, Infectiousness & Undetectability



 その日本語仮訳です。あまり知らなかったのですが、米国ではU=U(Undetectable= Untransmittable)キャンペーンというのがあって、これには著名なエイズアクティビストも数多く参加しています。治療によって体内のHIV量が検出限界以下に下がれば、感染のリスクも、ないと言える状態にまで下げられる。この点を強調するキャンペーンです。

 そのためには検査の普及、治療の早期開始というのがT as Pの骨格、そして感染していない人にも目配りし、予防目的で抗レトロウイルス薬を提供するのがPrEP(曝露前予防服薬)です。







    GNP+ 2017年2月8日




 Prevention Access Campaign(予防アクセスキャンペーン)がスポンサーになり、多数の米国著名エイズアクティビストが参加して発足したU=UキャンペーンはUndetectable(検出限界以下)とUntransmittable(感染の可能性がない)という単語の頭文字をとって最近のこうした進歩を強調している。キャンペーンはHIV予防としての治療の効果について広く社会的理解を得ることを目指すものだ。キャンペーンはまた、HIV陽性者に対すでにスティグマと差別に一段と拍車をかけるようなHIV感染にまつわる嘘を一掃することも期待している。体内のHIV量が検出限界以下に抑えられているHIV陽性者の感染性に関する誤った情報のために、そしてHIV陽性者の非感染性を示すエビデンスを知らないために、HIV陽性者を犯罪者として扱う国が数多く存在し、不当な法の適用がなされてもいる。












On Fear, Infectiousness & Undetectability


Ten years ago the notion that a person living with HIV (PLHIV) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) with an undetectable viral load for at least six months (without any other sexually transmitted infections) had reduced the possibility of HIV transmission to negligible levels, was unproven.


Not anymore, major research advances in biomedical HIV treatment and prevention science; continuously and conclusively demonstrate the increased need for and power of antiretroviral medication in the prevention of HIV – including treatment as prevention and PrEP.


Capitalizing on these recent developments, the U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable) campaign, sponsored by the Prevention Access Campaign and founded by a number of prominent HIV activists from the U.S., is aiming to spread much needed public awareness about the effectiveness of treatment as prevention of HIV. The campaign also hopes to dispel falsehoods about the transmission of HIV that exacerbates existing stigma and discrimination faced by PLHIV. Misinformation about the infectiousness of PLHIV with undetectable viral load, and/or lack of knowledge of the evidence that shows the un-infectiousness of PLHIV also contributes to the overly broad and inappropriate application of criminal law against people living with HIV in many countries.


While backed by good science and strong evidence, concerns with the messaging of the U=U campaign has really hit a nerve with some activists who feel that it traffics in the currency of fear, and builds-on rather than dispels normative assumptions about the bodies and identities of PLHIV as nothing more than primary (albeit, controlled for now) vectors of disease.


To put it more bluntly, the public message of “don’t fear us, accept us, because some of us aren’t infectious anymore,” may not be an empowering liberation discourse for all PLHIV.


Over the last 36 years, people living with HIV, and key population communities around the world, have been addressing and challenging fear, stigma and discrimination head-on. We have done this by unveiling our identities, resisting oppression and collectivizing our intersectional struggle for human rights, equality and justice. Millions of people living with HIV around the world are demanding acceptance and challenging those afraid of us, irrespective of our viral load. We are not to be feared of as sexual partners, whether or not we are on treatment.


The campaign has also raised concern among community members who live in contexts where knowing one’s viral load is not an option. For the millions of PLHIV around the world who are unable to achieve the coveted status of undetectability, due to a lack of access to medication, frequent treatment interruptions, the unavailability of viral load testing, and/or pervasive and debilitating levels of stigma, discrimination and violence, the U=U campaign is, at best, irrelevant and, at worst, myopically dismissive of the social, political and economic realities that most PLHIV around the world face.


Slick marketing aside, what PLHIV need and want is not a revival of the rhetoric of PLHIV as vectors of disease (i.e. we work with you so that you don’t spread the disease). Rather what PLHIV need and want is validation that first and foremost our health, safety and wellbeing is prioritized and messages that reaffirm that we are not to be feared as a sexual partner, colleague, peer or friend due to our HIV-positive status, whether or not we are on treatment or undetectable.


PLHIV need treatment as prevention campaigns that boldly and unequivocally advance the messages that first and foremost take your treatment because YOUR life matters the most, you can protect yourself from other infectious diseases and yes you can also enjoy HIV prevention benefits from treatment.


GNP+ supports the message of acceptance of PLHIV without fear. A meaningful commitment towards stemming the HIV epidemic and securing the health, safety and wellbeing of all cannot be met without the promotion of evidenced based health and human rights policies, programmes and practices that aims to eliminate the ongoing fear, stigma, discrimination and violence directed towards, and experienced by, PLHIV.


Incorporated in 1986, GNP+ is a network of networks and members that engages with people living with HIV regionally and nationally. We channel the voices and needs of people living with HIV on the ground to the global level. We also work to identify and address the capacity building needs of networks of people living with HIV and people who are part of broader key population identities and communities, including young people. GNP+ addresses stigma, discrimination and human rights violations in tandem with advocacy for greater access to comprehensive and integrated treatment, care and support programmes and services for all people living with HIV.