『後退した国連宣言など拒否すべきだ』 GNP+も激しく怒っています エイズと社会ウェブ版229続き






   世界HIV陽性者ネットワーク(GNP+) 2016.6.6






 有効に機能すると分かっている対策について述べることを宣言が故意に避けるのだとしたら、ゲイ男性その他の男性とセックスをする男性、セックスワーカートランスジェンダーの人たち、薬物使用者、受刑者ら ― HIVエイズにより最も大きな打撃を受けている人たち ― を具体的に列挙することを故意に拒んでいるのだとしたら、そして、故意に関心を他にそらせようとしているのだとしたら、宣言が有効に機能することなど期待できない。とりわけ、社会の中で最も弱い立場に置かれている人たちにとっては百害あって一利なしである。キーポピュレーションをあからさまに排除するような宣言には、交渉の余地もない。世界のエイズとの闘いを節操もなく妨げるものだ。このような宣言は拒絶しなければならない。それもはっきりと拒絶しなければならない」


#HLM2016AIDS をフォローしてください。




Civil Society Should Reject Regressive UN Declaration


Final negotiations are currently taking place for the 2016 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS, which will be finalized during the United Nations High Level Meeting in New York from June 8 to June 10. The current draft however all but eliminates the concerns, needs, rights and recognition of key populations from the global HIV response. Civil society organisations are discussing ways forward to deal with a potential regressive UN statement. As part of the discussion, we articulated our belief that the current draft Declaration should be rejected.


GNP+ Stance


“We at GNP+ firmly believe we must reject the draft 2016 U.N. High Level Meeting on HIV Declaration as it currently stands. Let us ask ourselves what the Declaration is meant to do — provide a compass for global and national policy, law, regulation, funding and programming; provide a tool for advocacy so we, civil society, can demand implementation on what the Declaration addresses. Can this Declaration perform these functions? Can it provide the compass we want to prevent further HIV infection and ensure people living with HIV can live long and in wellbeing?


If the Declaration deliberately fails to state what we know works in the AIDS response, if the Declaration deliberately refuses to name gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers, transgender people, people who use drugs and prisoners—the people who bear the highest burden of HIV and AIDS—and deliberately draws our attention away from them, then this Declaration cannot perform its functions. It can, in effect, only be harmful, especially to the most vulnerable people in our communities. The explicit exclusion of key populations in this Declaration is a non-negotiable, unprincipled setback in our global fight against AIDS. We must reject it and reject it resolutely.”


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