『大金持ちへの挑戦状』 エイズと社会ウェブ版458 






《地球規模の対策は人を中心にしなければ成功しない》 UNAIDS

 新型コロナウイルス対策について、国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)の公式サイトにウィニー・ビヤニマ事務局長のオピニオン《Successful global epidemic responses put people at the centre》が掲載されました。その日本語仮訳です。






2020年3月12日 オピニオン ウィニー・ビヤニマ











 ウィニー・ビヤニマ UNAIDS事務局長





Successful global epidemic responses put people at the centre

12 MARCH 2020


The COVID-19 outbreak is rightly shining a light on international and national responses to health emergencies—exposing gaps in our systems, showing our strengths and drawing on the valuable experience of responding to other health threats, such as HIV. At UNAIDS, we know that people living with HIV will have some anxiety and questions about the emergence of the virus that causes COVID-19. One of the most important lessons to be drawn from the response to the HIV epidemic is to listen and learn from the people most affected. UNAIDS continues to do so.


It’s important to underline that there is currently no strong evidence that people living with HIV are at an especially increased risk of contracting COVID-19 or, that if they do contract it, they will experience a worse outcome. As in the general population, older people living with HIV or people living with HIV with heart or lung problems may be at a higher risk of getting the virus and of suffering more serious symptoms. As for the general population, people living with HIV should take all recommended preventive measures to minimize exposure and prevent infection. As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, it will be important for ongoing research in settings with a high prevalence of HIV in the general population to shed more light on the biological and immunological interactions between HIV and the new coronavirus.


But legitimate measures to contain the virus may have unintended adverse effects on people living with HIV. When the COVID-19 outbreak began in China, UNAIDS conducted a survey of people living with HIV to listen to their needs. A follow-up study has shown that some people living with HIV are beginning to experience challenges in receiving medicine refills. This is leading to some anxiety. In response, UNAIDS has been working with networks of people living with HIV and government officials to support special deliveries of medicines to designated pick-up points. A hotline has been established in China so that people living with HIV can continue to express their concerns while the outbreak persists. With our partners, we will also be closely monitoring developments in global supply chains to ensure that essential medical supplies continue to reach the people who need them and that disruptions to the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients are kept to a minimum.


UNAIDS calls upon countries preparing their COVID-19 responses to ensure that people living with HIV have reliable access to their treatment medications. It’s now urgent that countries fully implement current HIV treatment guidelines from the World Health Organization for multimonth dispensing, ensuring that most people living with HIV are given three months or more of their medications. This will help to alleviate the burden on health facilities should COVID-19 arrive and allow people to maintain their treatment regimens uninterrupted without having to risk increased exposure to COVID-19 when retrieving their medicines.


A primary lesson from the AIDS response is that stigma and discrimination is not only wrong but counterproductive, both for an individual’s own health and for public health outcomes in general. That’s why UNAIDS has been supporting campaigns to reduce stigma and discrimination faced by people affected by COVID-19. We have never beaten a health threat through stigma and discrimination and our response to COVID-19 must be guided by lessons learned through the response to HIV. This includes listening to people affected by the outbreak and establishing trust and communication between people affected and health authorities, even before the disease burden rises.


Our biggest gains against HIV have come in countries that have reduced stigma and discrimination, encouraging people to test for the virus and to seek treatment if necessary. Using communication channels recommended by public health experts, let’s listen to people affected by COVID-19 and apply their lived experience so that we can strengthen our response to the virus. 


The deaths caused by the COVID-19 outbreak are tragic and my thoughts go out to their families and loved ones. But if we are smart, the international community and individual countries will use this experience to further strengthen monitoring systems and make adequate investments in health infrastructure, both at the global and national levels. UNAIDS urges governments and health officials across the world not to delay in implementing public education programmes for all their citizens about the practical measures that should be taken to curtail the transmission and spread of the virus at the local level.


A people-centred approach is critical. Everyone must have the right to health—it’s our best defence against global epidemics.


Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director









『コロナウイルス:最前線で人権を尊重し、対策の中心に据える必要がある』 国連人権高等弁務官





 今回の発表は ジュネーブでOHCHRのスポークスパーソンがプレスリリースを読み上げるかたちで行われたようですね。OHCHRのTwitterFacebookにはその動画もアップされています。ジュネーブには行ったことがないので、よく分からないのですが、場所は国連欧州本部の会議場か会見室でしょうか。背景の絵などが手掛かりになると思います。ご存じの方がいらしたら教えてください。






 ジュネーブ(2020年3月6日) コロナウイルスCOVID-19の拡大防止対策に臨む各国政府は、その対策が人々の生活に悪影響を及ぼすことのないよう追加的な手立てを幅広く取らなければならない。ミチェル・バチェレ国連人権高等弁務官は金曜日(6日)、こう語った。

















Coronavirus: Human rights need to be front and centre in response, says Bachelet


GENEVA (6 March 2020) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Friday said it is essential that governments introducing measures to impede the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19, undertake a range of additional actions to reduce the potentially negative impact such measures may have on people's lives.  


"As a medical doctor, I understand the need for a range of steps to combat COVID-19, and as a former head of government, I understand the often difficult balancing act when hard decisions need to be taken," Bachelet said. "However our efforts to combat this virus won't work unless we approach it holistically, which means taking great care to protect the most vulnerable and neglected people in society, both medically and economically."


"Such people include those on low incomes, isolated rural populations, people with underlying health conditions, people with disabilities and older people living alone or in institutions," she added.


Lockdowns, quarantines and other such measures to contain and combat the spread of COVID-19 should always be carried out in strict accordance with human rights standards and in a way that is necessary and proportionate to the evaluated risk -- but even when they are, they may have serious repercussions on people's lives, the High Commissioner said.


While authorities may judge it necessary to close schools, this may result in parents having to stay home and unable to work, a measure that is likely to disproportionately affect women.


Staying off work in order to "self-isolate" may result in lost pay or a lost job, with far-ranging consequences for people's livelihoods and lives. Health care for people with chronic or serious conditions may be impeded by the response to the outbreak. Disruption to trade and travel is likely to have a big impact, especially on small- and medium-sized businesses and the people they employ and serve.


"People who are already barely surviving economically may all too easily be pushed over the edge by measures being adopted to contain the virus. Governments need to be ready to respond in a range of ways to unintended consequences of their actions aimed at the coronavirus. Businesses will also need to play a role, including responding with flexibility to the impact on their employees," Bachelet said.


The High Commissioner welcomed the fact that some governments, as well as international organisations, are starting to put in place measures to mitigate the impact on people's economic and social rights.


"Given we are all operating in uncharted territory, I encourage States to establish ways of sharing information on good practices they are currently taking to alleviate the negative socio-economic effects of COVID-19 and the efforts to halt its spread. International solidarity and co-operation are more needed than ever. It is also clear that resources need to be directed to social protection so that people are able to survive economically during what may become a protracted crisis," she said.


"COVID-19 is a test for our societies, and we are all learning and adapting as we respond to the virus. Human dignity and rights need to be front and centre in that effort, not an afterthought," Bachelet said.


To effectively combat the outbreak means ensuring everyone has access to treatment, and is not denied health care because they cannot pay for it or because of stigma.


Governments need to ensure all relevant information reaches everyone without exception, including in readily understandable formats and languages, and adapted for people with specific needs, such as children, the visually- and hearing-impaired, and those with limited or no ability to read.


"Being open and transparent is key to empowering and encouraging people to participate in measures designed to protect their own health and that of the wider population, especially when trust in the authorities has been eroded. It also helps to counter false or misleading information that can do so much harm by fuelling fear and prejudice," the High Commissioner said.


"I also urge authorities in countries affected by COVID-19 to take all necessary steps to address incidents of xenophobia or stigmatisation," she added.




 ・検査実施人数  1068人
 ・陽性者数(累積)    58人
 ・入院中 37人
  ・軽症・中等症 29人
  ・重症      8人
 ・死亡  1人
 ・退院  20人


今年は女性と女児にフォーカス 差別ゼロデーUNAIDSキャンペーン エイズと社会ウェブ版457



 UNAIDS初の女性事務局長であるビヤニマさんの意向も強く反映しているのだと思いますが(私の勝手な想像です)、今年のテーマは『ZERO DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS(女性と女児への差別ゼロ)』です。










UNAIDSは女性と女児への差別ゼロを呼びかけます プレスリリース



ジュネーブ 2020年3月1日- 国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)は3月1日の差別ゼロデーにあたり、女性と女児に対する差別をなくし、平等の権利とその機会を保障するよう呼び掛けています。














UNAIDS calls for zero discrimination against women and girls 


GENEVA, 1 March 2020—On Zero Discrimination Day, which is commemorated every year on 1 March, UNAIDS is calling for an end to discrimination against women and girls and for equal rights, opportunities and treatment.

Despite progress in some areas, in 2020 coercive practices, discriminatory legislation and gender-based violence are just some of the human rights violations that are continuing to have a disproportionate impact on the lives of women and girls around the world. UNAIDS is highlighting areas where change is urgently needed: equal participation in political life; human rights and laws that empower; economic justice—equal pay for equal work; ending gender-based violence; provide health care without stigma or barriers; equal and free access to primary and secondary education; and climate justice.

 “Feminism, human rights and zero discrimination are values shared across the world,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “They express our humanity, our recognition that we share a vision for a better future, and they are central to ending AIDS.”

Globally, at least one in three women and girls have experienced violence in their lives, with adolescent girls experiencing higher rates of intimate partner violence than adult women overall. This figure hides deep disparities, with more than 50% of women in some countries reporting violence just in the past 12 months.

Although some countries have made progress towards greater gender equality, discrimination against women and girls still exists everywhere. We know that without equal opportunities early on, without access to education, inequality will persist. Yet, nearly one in three adolescent girls aged between 10 and 19 years from the poorest households globally has never been to school. 

Inequalities, discrimination and violence continue to be enabled within the very structures of society. In many countries, laws that discriminate against women and girls remain in force—in areas of work, property, criminal law and sexual and reproductive health and rights, among others.

More than 80 countries criminalize some aspect of sex work, and women are disproportionately affected by laws that criminalize drug use. Meanwhile, laws that uphold women’s basic rights and protect them against harm and unequal treatment are far from the norm. For example, only 88 out of 190 countries have laws regarding equal pay for work of equal value for men and women. Intersecting with other forms of discrimination, on income, race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity, these rights violations disproportionately harm women and girls.

Numerous government commitments to end violence and discrimination against women and girls have been made over the years, yet hundreds of millions of women and girls continue to be subjected to discrimination, abuse and violence, at huge cost to themselves and to their families, communities, societies and economic development.

“We need to transform our societies so that no one is second class,” said Ms Byanyima. “We must end gender-based violence, inequality and insecurity, and ensure that women and girls have equal access to education, health, public life and employment.”

For this transformation, we need women in roles of leadership, at the community level as well as nationally, regionally and globally. Representation of women’s interests is central to changing structural inequalities. Yet, in 2019, less than a quarter of parliamentarians were women.

Compounding these inequalities are the burdens of unpaid care and domestic work, unequal property and inheritance rights and limited financial autonomy. It is estimated that women carry out three quarters of care work in the household—work that is still not given recognition for its importance in society and the economy and remains unpaid.

Ensuring that women’s rights are protected, ending discrimination against women and girls and removing discriminatory laws will be central to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and ensuing equity and equality for all.


米ホワイトハウスがデボラ・バークス博士をコロナウイルス対策調整官に任命 UNAIDSが歓迎のプレス声明 エイズと社会ウェブ版456
















ジュネーブ 2020年2月29日 米ホワイトハウスコロナウイルス対策コーディネーター(調整官)にデボラ・バークス博士が任命されたことをUNAIDSは歓迎します。バークス博士は世界的に有名な医学専門家としてのキャリアを有し、世界のHIV対策の成果にも大きく貢献してきました。米国政府の地球規模エイズ調整官およびグローバルヘルス特使として、HIVに影響を受けているコミュニティとともに活動を続けてきました。







UNAIDS welcomes the appointment of Deborah Birx as White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator

GENEVA, 29 February 2020—UNAIDS welcomes the appointment of Deborah Birx as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator. Ms Birx’s distinguished career as a world-renowned medical expert has included her contribution to the recent progress in the global response to HIV and her commitment to working with communities affected by HIV in her position as the United States Global AIDS Coordinator and United States Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy.

 “Vice President Mike Pence’s decision to appoint Deborah Birx to serve as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator is a wise one,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima. “Ms Birx has repeatedly demonstrated her unparalleled ability to control infectious diseases and is extremely well positioned to develop an effective plan to address COVID-19 in the United States of America.”

Connecting people in need quickly with services that prevent, or treat, the effects of disease requires a specialized skill that Ms Birx has developed over her nearly three decades as a public health expert. Her experience with tackling disease-related stigma and discrimination and her understanding of how to develop effective health responses that deliver results for people will be invaluable in her new role.

"I am confident that Ms Birx will translate the expertise she has applied to HIV to COVID-19,” said Ms Byanyima. “The insights gleaned from the response to HIV can be helpful for the containment of this new viral threat. There is a need for more collaborative work across disease categories. Even as we battle new diseases, we must remain vigilant about concurrent epidemics.”